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Interview with Ransome Love 21

Randy Scott sent us a link to an interview with Ransome Love of Caldera. Fairly standard fluff stuff. Talks about the grassroots hype about industry "Poisoning" Linux as well as small intelligent linux devices.
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Interview with Ransome Love

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  • this is the same crap we've been reading (no offense to caldera users) for the past few months.

    What crap are you referring to? The article seems pretty positive to me.

    I had sort of given up on Caldera, but after reading about OpenLinux 2.2 I decided to give them another try. LIZARD sounds cool!


  • Maybe it's a necessary step in the Linux evolution, but it worries me to see the lazy, freeloading socialists trying to squeeze out everything they can.


  • be honest, since redhat is already holding the marbles, it seems more sincere when THEY talk about standards.

    Really? Most people fear when Microsoft talks standards. Always fear when a market leader what to talk standards. Redhat whats to make money just as badly as Caldera.
  • by zonker ( 1158 )
  • You'll get no arguments from me on that point.

  • Yay, flamebait!

  • Couldn't agree more. Can't add jack, either.

    As you (almost?) say, the fact is that good distros for business use aren't actually the same thing as good distros for home use.

    Linux needs, desperately, support from business, and if Caldera can get that support, then that's obviously a good thing for Linux, even if business later decides to go RedHat as a result of the Caldera publicity.

    However, there's something to be said for one distribution handling business on its own - business seems to prefer it, which is why they've concentrated soley on RedHat, at least for now.
  • That would be awful, having to wait all that time to get bug fixes and new apps just because big companies cannot adapt to the changes?

    I hope RedHat and the others don't do that.

    Or, I could start using a propietary OS.
  • Caldera much of the IPX support and, if I recall correctly, they wrote the Netware client. They even have a Netware server available for Linux (but it's not opensource or freed software, which I guess makes sense since it's licenced from Novell).

    While I agree the Caldera is a moneygrubbing company, let's not dismiss them as having contributed nothing at all to GNU/Linux.

  • this is the same crap we've been reading (no offense to caldera users) for the past few months.

    the bottom line is caldera wants a piece of redhat pie and is pissed that everyone is embracing redhat and not caldera. caldera isnt nearly as committed to making standard base happen as they are to being the ones who will be KNOWN for making linux work for business. to be honest, since redhat is already holding the marbles, it seems more sincere when THEY talk about standards.

    dont get me wrong and flame me because of my redhat comments....i know full well the difference between linux and redhat (although i HAVE been running redhat since 2.0...*grin*)

    but the reality is that corporations were bound to embrace at least one distribution and leave others hanging....and now caldera is bitter because they feel like the kid who didnt get picked to play kickball :)

    my two cents

  • So far the main comments on this Thread seem to be Caldera vs. RedHat (I'm sure the other distro fans will chime in soon.) IMHO these comments are worthless because if the interviewee was the CEO of Redhat, we'd get the same kind of comments, just reversing the roles of attackers & defenders.

    A reader stands to gain much more useful information if they examine the article this way: the CEO of one of the major Linux Distros is interviewed by one of the more powerful industry magazines and makes the following points:

    • " key area we're focusing in on [is] manageability, security, and identity. Linux does a lot to enable that because of its roots in Unix and remote management."
    • (responding to a question) "There will definitely be Internet server packages with e-commerce options. There will also be small business packages."
    • "'ll see us release a 2.2 kernel on the first of April. One of the key things about 2.2 is that we need it as the platform for our server products that will come out shortly thereafter."
    • SOme very good discussion about major corporations lookint to replace NT with Linux because the total cost of ownership (including down-time) of NT is too high.
    • "We're looking to do some real nice things with Java so that you can create a comprehensive SDK [software development kit], if you will, that will allow VARs to easily snap the solutions into that.
    Things like SDK's, VARS, and moving existing infrastructure and users to Linux is what this is all about. (Ackowledging that I am deliberately ignoring all of the funky license issues out there) When one Linux distro gains mind share, we all benefit.

  • since when is wanting to make money a bad thing?
  • I have a copy of a Caldera press release from May 23 1996 (Linux Kongress, Berlin) in which they announced that they were going to obtain POSIX and FIPS certifications and the X/Open Brand for Unix 95 and XPG4 Base 95. They appointed Ian Nandhra as director of product certification (continuing his work on the defunct Linux-FT distribution) for this purpose.

    It never happened. I'm sure there are good reasons why it didn't work out, but I can't help feeling that if they had done it, the big industry boys would have lined up behind them instead of Red Hat, and we certainly wouldn't have all this fuss about the LSB (You'll notice that the same people are supporting LSB, so they can be credited with some consistency!)
  • The Internet is Capitalism, my friends. Raw, unbridaled Capitalism. I know this 'Cause I saw the Lotus commercial with Dennis Leary.

    Linux is the Internet. Every ISP is the Universe runs it.

    If a=b and b=c, then a=c, therefore, Linux is Capitalism.

    And that article is a ball of yarn.

If I have not seen so far it is because I stood in giant's footsteps.
