Mega HTML Periodic Table 60
Calcbert sent us a link to
one of the best browser stress tests I've seen in awhile.
Lucent has a Periodic Table of the Elements
online that makes the tables in Slashdot seem nice and minimal.
How does Gecko take on that beast? Maybe more important is
the fact that I now know what Ununbium is. I thought it was
a radioactive card game. Ooo knew? (god it must be late,
my jokes actually worse than usual. Didn't know that
was possible) Here's another one
that has more data, but it doesn't have quitethe same stress
testing potential. But now I know the half life of Ununbium too.
hmm (Score:1)
support client-side scripts and is most likely insufficient for viewing this page.
hm..lets see..have ns 4.5 under 2.2.1?
i need an external program for a table? wtf?
I wish to start no flame wars (Score:1)
I wish to start no flame wars (Score:1)
NS 3.04 under winblows works fine with the page (Score:1)
> browsers may not display it correctly. Your
> browser, Netscape Navigator version 3.04, is
> sufficient for viewing this page.
It sure is.
If this is news then... (Score:1)
I must admit, these are rather "tame" tables...compared to some of the more elabrated Java ones I have seen...Uh...Try a search engine
Stress test? (Score:1)
Same here (Score:1)
I must admit that it flunks the layout test at the mozilla site, but it doesn't crash.
Uptime record 132 days was recently halted for hardware re-arrangement
slashdotted already??? (Score:1)
Yep, Slashdotted already! (Score:1)
Looking forward to it though.
forget that... (Score:1)
8th grade project no less?
Uhm, that site's not so complex (Score:1)
web design (Score:1)
thats some standard that they got going there
isn;t lucent a different company?
hmm (Score:1)
Weird coincidence (Score:1)
ok, answer THIS! (Score:1)
yet freshmeat crashes me CONSTANTLY...figure *THAT* one out!
Periodic table with more *pow* and *zap* (Score:1)
christ (Score:1)
not that i like m$, but... (Score:1)
ironically, i also like ie better when reading slashdot, since netscape stubbornly forgets to save the place i leave a page at, so i keep having to scroll down. for everything else, netscape is better tho.
Looks fine with KFM (Score:1)
I am becoming more and more convinced there is no point replacing it with Gecko.
Anyone tried KFM III?
Speaking of web browsers and tests and such... (Score:1)
Gecko IS a BFD. It's the biggest BFD to hit the Web since the original Mosaic. You see all those little standards thingies at Well, Gecko supports all of them, and it's only a friggin' alpha.
BTW, your remark "It takes getting sold to AOL..." is WAAAAYYYY offbase. Gecko was standards-compliant before the sale was even a gleam in Steve Case's eye.
If you had any idea of what the hell you were talking about, you wouldn't be posting FUD as an AC, now would ya?
Didn't think so.
(somewhere in tenn.)
Plays some sour notes w/ Opera tho' (Score:1)
Anyone else notice how the Opera browser seems to have problems w/ images?
For those of you without hope, we have rooms with color TV, cable and air conditioning.
I wish to start no flame wars (Score:1)
*Crawling into the flame proof suit...
A third table... (Score:1)
This site includes MUCH information on electron configuration, physical properties, history, and much more. What's interesting are the humorous cartoons and
"Man könnte froh sein, wenn die Luft so rein wäre wie das Bier"
"We could be happy if the air was as pure as the beer"
That's mostly Javascript, (Score:1)
I prefer this site... (Score:1) []
reading in user agent (Score:1)
you are so right. (Score:1)
I do a lot of my work (Intranet) with CSS now, and Netscape never fails to piss me off with its miserable non-compliance to standards that have been around since 1996. Especially in how it renders tables, and forgets inherited properties. Yuck.
loading time (Score:1)
forget that... (Score:1)
I have to say I do like's table more, but both are still useful tools.
My site contains 100% GPL'd source code
Torture??? (Score:1)
and an HTML table. What's so difficult to render?
Looks fine without JavaScript (Score:1)
JavaScript: More evil than Microsoft
What's the big deal? (Score:1)
(for Netscape 4.08, anyway. BTW, that is some pretty nifty-looking HTML)
IMO, if you really want to load down a browser, go to freshmeat. I love how NS chokes up for ~5 seconds "thinking" over the page. Or better yet, load up any page (dern if I could remember one now) that has a multi-column full-width table with 500+ rows. Use your thumbwheel, too. Doth I hear a hard drive page?
forget that... (Score:1)
Torture... I think so... Oops. Html formatting (Score:1)
And outside each cell are blank border cells...
In order to create the outlines...
Not to mention the legend, groups, captions, and the rare earths...
It is a very convoluted, but relatively pure, html.
If they had a frame on the right, they could have forgone the javascript entirely, as well as included some more info(like valency, radioactivity, reactivity, etc...)
forget that... (Score:1)
but.. (Score:1)
So there...