Beware of the Slashdot Effect 42
SmilieZ writes "A new generation of niche Web
portals is driving unprecedented amounts of
traffic to sites of interest
says Fairfax news "
Another butt kissing article. Watch as my already hyper inflated ego prevents
me from leaving my chair. This is probably the most flattering
article we've had so far. Neato.
Could it be your endearing charm? (Score:1)
As for you, you reap what you sow. By the way, I'm 36.
Congrats Rob! (Score:1)
P.S. If you do decide to have the business types help run the financial side of SlashDot, make sure they work for you rather than you working for them. (Maintain control and make sure their pay is based on how well they represent Slashdot.)
/. effect on polls (Score:1)
Spell checking away (Score:1)
Glad to see your'e in touch with the real world: you made me laugh with youre replys Rob !
Excellent !
nice article (Score:1)
A Mediocre Article... (Score:1)
--Phil (The earliest article reference I found was this one [].)
vertical portal? (Score:1)
Mr. Taco, (Score:1)
(Correct answer: Who cares. I having fun now.)
slashdot as a news source= /.funding$ (Score:1)
these guys are making a killing selling news and comments generated by
Saying ///.. (Score:1)
Oh. Cool, haven't thought about that, not using the language for speaking.
Congrats! Hope you take over the world. (Score:1)
Keep up the good work.
I think you got at least 30 minutes of fame. I still am looking for my 15.
"Don't ask, Don't Teletubby"
Congrats, Rob! (Score:1)
In a couple of months, I hope to have my own zine. In a couple of years, it might do as well as yours...
its funny... (Score:1)
Other reports of the slashdot effect.. (Score:1)
Anyway, CmdrTaco got mentioned over at for the death of a site..
From userfriendly (so you don't kill my other favorite site by going an looking!):
00:04 PST 15 FEB 1999
This is too cool. The Peer 2 Peer launch was mentioned on Slashdot yesterday, bringing Arcterex's server into a screaming death
spiral as the infamous "Slashdot Effect" sent thousands and thousands of clicks over to the wee box. Arc wants you all to know that
it's fixed now.
Why have so few sites copied? (Score:1)
i wanna be like rob (Score:1)
maybe we should start some kind of fanclub?
kudos to
oh well back to work
Kudos Taco!!! (Score:1)
Congo Rats again
Too modest (Score:1)
Mowing the Lawn (Score:1)
I hope that someday soon you'll get some financial support from a company willing to let you retain full control of the content of Slashdot.
(.) effect (Score:1)
yeah (.) effect.
The term "Slashdot Effect" (Score:1)
I know.
It was on Slashdot.
Slashdot is Open Source News. (Score:1)
I'm sure if someone did a comparison, they could draw good parallels between Slashdot and Linux. One is shaking up the way we get news while the other is shaking up the software industry. And if we believe Linux is going to run over Windows, then what are sites like Slashdot going to the traditional media? Sites like MSNBC and CNET might have reason to be scared.
Congratulations to Rob and the others!
Slashdot is Open Source News. (Score:1)
Browsing the web is a personal experience, and people are going to looking for more personal content online...the TV model of broadcasting aren't really going to fly here as well as teams of niche sites like Slashdot.
I think eventually, when people are used to the Web, they'll be 'scratching their itches' at different Slashdot-clones (using Slashdot code?) for everything from parenting to barber-shop pole painting businesses (assuming barber shops still exist then). But it won't just be a matter of site content focused on them (like some magazine sites now), the people who use the sites will contribute the way Slashdotters do here, with stories, comments, hanging out on SlashNet. The news sites will be collective creations of their community, in an open source fashion.
I really like Slashdot and I visit here 3-4 times a day for updates. That bias aside, I think sites like this are going to take precedence over broad, one-way sites like MSNBC (nothing against them, I like that site too).
The dangers of the Slashdot effect (Score:1)
Power to the people.... (Score:1)
You know? It's kinda of a power to people thing, isn't it?
I mean, albeit in small doses, slashdot, and it's readers are making small, but, noticable changes in policies, consider Bell Atlantic, regarding Macs.
Project the idea, a few years ahead...
Now 80% of the American Public have access to the Internet at home, ~60% of the population of the world have Internet Access availible to them. Many new sites in the format of Slashdot pop up, each catering to the tastes of thier respective readers. One smart person makes a AllSlash network, a way to browse all of these from a central point, with a main page, listing most poopular Articles from all of them. All presenting news of importance to the reader, because the readers provide them, then discuss them in open forums. Soon it's all taken as for granted, as your daily newspaper, or evening news on TV.
I think we are the very edge of a revolution unmatched since the printing press. Maybe the power we all have, as a slashdotter, have been over stated at times, but, maybe not. How about the potentional power we will all have, when a person in a foreign country, just needs to post a quick article, and bring attention of his/her plight to millions of people, in a matter of days, others in that country doing the same, encouraged by the reactions. Soon thousands of Web Surfers e-mailing their Government, in outrage. Governments world wide, forced to face issues, they can ignore now, because most people will never know.
I don't know. Maybe I'm dreaming... but, seems to me, the Internet is giving people a voice, people who never had that voice before. We aren't changing the world yet, but, I'm almost sure, soon we will.
Slashdot me! (Score:1)
Origianl Slashdot Effect Paper (Score:1)
by me, on the slashdot effect as referenced in
the Ausie article, here's the URL
firsthand experience? (Score:1)
Hit Me! (as previously censored) (Score:1)