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White House Announces New AI Actions As Apple Signs On To Voluntary Commitments 4

The White House announced that Apple has "signed onto the voluntary commitments" in line with the administration's previous AI executive order. "In addition, federal agencies reported that they completed all of the 270-day actions in the Executive Order on schedule, following their on-time completion of every other task required to date." From a report: The executive order "built on voluntary commitments" was supported by 15 leading AI companies last year. The White House said the agencies have taken steps "to mitigate AI's safety and security risks, protect Americans' privacy, advance equity and civil rights, stand up for consumers and workers, promote innovation and competition, advance American leadership around the world, and more." It's a White House effort to mobilize government "to ensure that America leads the way in seizing the promise and managing the risks of artificial intelligence," according to the White House.
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White House Announces New AI Actions As Apple Signs On To Voluntary Commitments

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  • I would expect Apple to treat this the same as they do every other "voluntary request" that they agree to; as something to comply with until it is the least bit inconvenient and then forget that it ever existed.

    • Yeah, the question is, "Did they pinky swear?" If not, it's worthless.

      In other news, the US prisons service have found a way to reduce overcrowding by releasing convicted felons if they sign a voluntary commitment to be good people now & not do any of that bad stuff they did before because they're sorry, OK?
    • by shanen ( 462549 )

      Not a bad FP, though the story stands out for its lack of reactions. It's about to fall off the page with a total of 3 (now 4) comments.

      But I don't think Apple is the only corporate cancer that acts that way. Actually I even regard Apple as a relatively benign and slow-moving cancer. More like prostate cancer than pancreatic?

      (However the White House news I am hoping for would be quite different...)

"What if" is a trademark of Hewlett Packard, so stop using it in your sentences without permission, or risk being sued.
