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Australia Takes Singtel-owned Optus To Court Over 2022 Cyber Attack ( 3

Australia's media regulator is taking legal action against telecom carrier Optus, owned by Singapore Telecommunications, over a cyber attack it faced in September 2022, the telecom operator said on Wednesday. From a report: Australia's No.2 telco, had in September 2022 faced a massive data breach which exposed customers' personal information, including home addresses, passport and phone numbers. Following the incident, the country's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese called for tougher privacy rules to force companies to notify banks faster when they experience similar data breaches.

About 10 million Australians, 40% of the population, are Optus customers and could not use smartphones, broadband internet or landlines for much of the day of the breach. The Australian Communications and Media Authority is alleging that Optus Mobile failed to protect the confidentiality of personally identifiable information of its customers from unauthorised interference or unauthorised access.

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Australia Takes Singtel-owned Optus To Court Over 2022 Cyber Attack

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  • The lack of comments on this topic suggests censorship or a climate of fear of reprisal within Australia.
    • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

      Or Singapore.

      Remember, Singapore is a rich nation, it's practically first world status, except it's also run like China (it's counted as a "failed democracy" in governance).

      But at least Singapore puts on no airs about messing around - they want you dealt with, you're dealt with swiftly and efficiently. No one disappears - you get your day in court, get sentenced and are hanged (or firing squad), and it's all done by lunch.

      Heck, usually something like that happens in Singapore, the whole executive team would

Lawrence Radiation Laboratory keeps all its data in an old gray trunk.
