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Luxury Yachts Offer Pirate Hunting Cruises 13

Pack your cutlass, load your cannons, and get ready to collect some pieces of eight; select Russian ocean liners are offering pirate hunting cruises on armed private yachts. £3,500 a day buys you a cruise close to the coast of Somalia and up to Kenya. The boat moves at a speed slow enough to attract pirates. When the ship is attacked, a squad of ex-special forces troops fights back with grenade launchers, machine guns, and rockets. If you want to earn your stripes, you can pay an extra £5 a day for an AK-47 machine gun and £7 for 100 rounds of ammo.


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Luxury Yachts Offer Pirate Hunting Cruises

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How come financial advisors never seem to be as wealthy as they claim they'll make you?
