FSF Europe Founded 63
senfman writes "The German News Service Heise Onilne writes in this article, that the Free Software Foundation Europe was founded. The four founding members are Germans who look for people in other european countries to support them. The FSF Europe is going to cooperate with Richard M. Stallman to make sure that there are no differences between this institutions." Excellent.
I can imagine what RMS will say one day to this .. (Score:2)
Result: FSF Europe cannot be different from FSF. Just a club.
Re:We do more research, so you don't have too (Score:5)
Actually ... Europe has been around for millenniums (I know because it's been reported on Slashdot several times already). This link [metmuseum.org]
shows the existence of prior art.
you forgot Unix and BSD (Score:1)
What Stallman did was to enforce that the system keeps being open source. And then Linus fsck'ed him getting all the spotlight.
PLEASE think befor posting, Linus didn't invent Unix/Posix. Nor Stallman did.
Re:Viral! (Score:1)
No thanks!
when everyone gives everything,
Would this be a better complaint? (Score:1)
I didn't speak out because I wasn't a spammer.
Then they came for the Trolls.
I didn't speak out because I was not a Troll.
Then they came for the karma whores
I didn't speak out becasue I am not a karma whore.
Then they came for me -
and by then there was no one left to speak out for me.
Re:Intentional? (Score:1)
posting here now?
He said "pure European". I think its kind of funny how the Internet is this big Global thing, yet some of us still feel like they have to stick to arbitrary geographical boundaries.
Re:American beer! (Score:1)
Re:New FSF stymied (Score:1)
- Michael
Go ahead, blame me... I voted for Nader!
Re:offtopic-- YOUR TROLLS ONLINE (Score:2)
Hey, this may be offTopic, but I'd prefer if you didn't mark it as such. Take a look at this thread to see what's going on. It's actually kind of interesting. It seems to be a flamewar between an editor from Slashdot (Michael) and someone in contact with Signal 11. I'm not posting anonymously because I'd like to show "TheReverand" who says--I think--that moderation intimidates readers into posting anonymously, that I don't agree and I don't mind speaking with my actual username because I trust you, the moderator. If this is unclear to you, I'd really appreciate it if you'd just ignore this post. Thanks.
~~~End of Disclaimer~~~
I kind of doubt this is genuine, but for the sake of argument...
TheReverand, I have to point out to you that "[freezing] membership at about 10000 or so" isn't really a very useful way to increase freedom of speech. Maybe for the 10000 people but not for the greater good. As an advocate of freedom of speech, how can you suggest a solution that doesn't allow everyone to have a voice? Why should the first 10000 be the ones who have the voices? That seems sort of arbitrary. Sure, there are more trolls today than in the past, but that happens when there is a larger user base. It doesn't mean that the trolls are actually more disruptive. I also think there are a lot of intelligent people who have come along recently. Isn't that good? Doesn't that benefit The Greater Good? What kind of solution is it of yours that would exclude those intelligent, insightful, interesting and funny posters who make this forum a better place for everyone?
Just my 2 cents,
Hypocrisy, michael (Score:3)
So the answer is more secrecy? That hardly seems consistent with the mission of YRO. You throw a fit every time a closed-source program dials out and shares user data with a secret server somewhere. You would've thrown a fit if Intel had secretly manufactured its PIIIs with serial numbers. You've built yourself a career here railing against abusive secrecy, and now you turn around and inflict the same?
I've never thought much of you, michael, but you've far exceeded my expectations here. You positively drip with hypocrisy. How can anyone read anything you ever post again knowing that whatever ideals you pretend to stand for are a ruse masking your power infatuation?
Thanks for reminding me why
Could Be Useful (Score:2)
What could be very useful about the FSF Europe is creating a legal entity there that an accept tax free donations from EU citizens. I don't know the European tax laws, but the US generally prohibits claiming tax deductions for contributions to foreign charities. Now the legal system could be very different in Europe, especially in light of its emphasis on state support for charitable activities versus the private contributions in the US. (I just read an article someplace about how in Germany some arts organizations had no clue how to go about raising private funds for support).
Re:Michael says "excellent" (Score:1)
Re:Intentional? (Score:1)
Re:Now KDE learn diff between FREE SW and OPEN SOU (Score:1)
Yes, and hopefully we'll be seeing them refer to it as Open Source. I dunno; the Free Software world seems a little to Aryan to me and seems to have intelligent argument based on utter nonsense (not unlike Nazi rhetoric, but certainly not as extreme.) It seeks to force the user into using only software that matches its' own view of what is right and good, ignoring the right of the developer to release software under the license they see fit, and ignore the fact that many users are intelligent enough to determine whether or not a license is suitable for their needs. Please, RMS & the FSF, save me from myself! I'm too stupid to understand that your way is the only way!
Re:We must act now before it's too late! (Score:1)
Misuse of GPL Code (Score:2)
People don't like to talk about using GPL code here (even the LGPL code) because management gets nervous. Even if the end result is a product for internal use only.
It would be nice to have the FSF here as a lobby, to clarify this and other issues such as the trouble with EU IP law.
Re:New FSF stymied (Score:1)
As for speaking the language, well that wouldn't bother me, I'd have to learn it wouldn't I?
If you are familiar with IR35, UK fuel duty, fatty two jags and other delights you might appreciate why I may be considering relocating, within Europe. Scandinavia, the Netherlands and Ireland are all quite attractive which is why, yes I am THINKING about it.
So no I don't know YET what I would rather do. There are several other factors too.
If you don't like one throwaway comment at the start of a post about a separate subject, well I hope you will eventually learn to cope with the world not being as you want it.
From dictionary.msn.com, for those that need the help-
consider: to think carefully about something
To end with an appropriate quotation, hmm..
"It is better to keep quiet and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."
Re:you forgot Unix and BSD (Score:1)
- RMS was one in a big crowd of IEEE guys
you are also a lamer. go support both Linus and RMS... Have you EVER seen RMS talk about Linus? He may not say it directly, fut it resembles me a talk of a rape victim. Linus fsck'd RMS. Hope RMS get his revenge somehow.
Moderate down---this is wrong (Score:2)
This statement is very wrong.
The only thing that the FSF want is that if you recieve a binary, that you have rights to the source code as well. If you didn't get the binary, you don't get the source code.
Simple, isn't it. You CAN distribute privately. You don't have to distribute publicly. It says this in the GPL!
Stop being so contensious!
Re:New FSF stymied (Score:1)
I was thinking more of the practicalities. The FSF is solely US, so has to cope with Federal and State laws, I was thinking a Euro-XXX version would have an easier time if it was in an analagous situation with regard to legal matters, i.e. individual country and EU law is supposed to be becoming more harmonised.
I'm not implying Norway should join the EU, it seems to be doing quite nicely outside, but as far as I can tell there probably wouldn't be any great legal mismatch, whereas I'm not so sure about the Eastern European states - at least for now.
I was just thinking it might help the FSF-EU[R(OPE|ASIA)] to start within a simpler framework and expand when and if practicable.
Apologies to any Norwegian or Eastern European (or Asian) people, I did not mean to be offensive, and any slight was from ignorance, not intent. I was hoping the FSF-XXetc could learn to crawl before trying to do the hurdles bakwards. :-)
Whoops... (Score:1)
Re:offtopic-- good work michael (Score:1)
Re:Moderate down---this is wrong (Score:1)
So I will reiterate: The FSF doesn't want me to distribute software privately to selected users only, only publicly to everyone my users choose to give it to, or not at all.
Re:We do more research, so you don't have too (Score:1)
Re: I can't believe this needs to be said again (Score:1)
I noted on your site, you offer software under a BSD license and have posted the following restriction: "I've put up some source code here for all who are interested. Everything here is under the BSD License, which means that you're free to do almost anything with it except change the license."
What kind of hypocrisy is this talk about "freedom"? Your upset because you can't use his software to enhance your own and make money off his work? Is he not free? Everyone should be free but him? He has to take his own creation and do what you want with it? If you don't like his license, make your own software, use any other license you like, and leave rms in peace. He isn't bothering you...just saying what you can do with his own stuff. That ought to be right up your alley, since you say the same thing about yours.
All the rms bashing is very puzzling. What is it *really* about? I hope you think that over. What the man has done is extraordinary. Just compare his site with your own (nothing mean-spirited in what I am writing intended...just truthful). Is it an American thing, to attack whoever accomplishes something? Whatever one thinks of him and his foundation, he/it/they have produced a body of work that even you wish you could use...of course he has set it up so that you can't use it and then shut it off to others who want to use it down the road, and that annoys you, but I wish you'd just leave the poor guy alone. He is also a human being, you know. No doubt he reads some of this type of thing occasionally. This endless bashing is his reward for nearly two decades of effort? If I'm sick of reading it, how must he feel? And yet he persists...
Come on...enough, already. Go your own way, but let him alone to do the same. He will go down in history, without a doubt. Will you? If the honest answer is: No, then maybe a little humility is in order. Has it occurred to you maybe you don't really understand the legal purpose of the GPL? IMO,it is the legal foundation stone on which everything was built and, more importantly, maintained and protected. Look past your nose and you'll get it. Your characterization of his views isn't a bit accurate, by the way. I also think it is strange that your site says on the homepage that your software is both Free and Open. Hmmm. I think it'd be good if you'd take a longer gander at his site.
And for all the people who endlessly post "he's a communist", he's stated publicly he isn't...so what is *that* all about?
Re:Could Be Useful (Score:1)
yes, that's true.
These problems I heared of mostly in Eastern European Countries (regarding the Debian development - a company who uses Debian had to pay taxes afaik).
But that's - I think - not the rule. You also can give someone your house (co-signed by a senior solicitor) you don't have to pay taxes as long as you don't die within the next X years
Generally in Europe (esp. in Germany - it could be different somewhere else also if I do not think so) you do not have to pay taxes for products (or money) you use/get for free. Just as an information
Lazy bum (Score:1)
When I first read this, I thought to myself, what a lazy bum! Why don't you use proper grammar.
Ever get the impression that your life would make a good sitcom?
Ever follow this to its logical conclusion: that your life is a sitcom?
Re: I can't believe this needs to be said again (Score:2)
I was not talking about licenses. I was talking about the philosophy of Free Software in general. Please reread my posts. My problem with RMS has nothing to do with his software, the GPL or Free Software in general. It has everything to do with his goals and ideology.
I am not attacking RMS the man. Instead I am attacking his philosophy which is a much different thing. RMS does not want software to be owned. This is the foundation upon which his entire philosophy rests. But I cannot accept that premise. This doesn't mean that I reject Free Software however, because I don't. In fact, the concept of Free/Open software is that much stronger because it doesn't depend upon a single philosophy.
And you are free to release your own software under any license you like. He doesn't dictate that.
No, he doesn't dicate that. But throughout his writings and talks he makes it very clear that he considers the authors of proprietary software to be immoral and evil. If he had the power to dictate what licenses people could or could not use, and exercised that power, I would stop attacking the philosophy and start attacking the man.
Is it an American thing, to attack whoever accomplishes something?
To restate the obvious, I am not attacking RMS. I am only attacking his philosophy. Is it a <insert your nation here> thing to consider a disagreement to be a personal attack?
I wish you'd just leave the poor guy alone. He is also a human being, you know.
And as a human being he has the capacity to be wrong.
And for all the people who endlessly post "he's a communist", he's stated publicly he isn't...so what is *that* all about?
For the record, I have never accused RMS of being a communist. If you're going to comment on my post, then please do so. But don't drag in every peeve you've got and dump it here.
Re:offtopic-- YOUR TROLLS ONLINE (Score:1)
Fist Prost
"We're talking about a planet of helpdesks."
Re:Michael says "excellent" (Score:2)
I'm pretty sure, but please don't misunderstand me. We certainly wouldn't have free software in masses today like we have now if it hadn't been for FSF and ultimately, RMS. I think his "radicalism" about software freedom is why we have so much free software today. For Christ's sake, the term "open source" wouldn't even exist today hadn't it been for RMS, as that word was coined by people who liked the idea of free software but didn't like RMS' radicalism and the ideology behind it.
I personally think that his radicalism is a good thing, because you always know where you have him. He always tries to be as clear about his views and software freedom as possible. Although I don't agree with him about everything, it makes me trust him more than those who are willing to compromise about software freedom and licenses all the time, and end up with stupid licenses that are bad in the end anyway.
My point is, you can like or dislike RMS and his radicalism, but I think giving him credit for the success of the concept of free software is still due.
Re:offtopic-- YOUR TROLLS ONLINE (Score:1)
Re:offtopic-- good work michael (Score:2)
However, and as others have pointed out, when you single out one user it scares the others, even those with no real reason to be scared. It's a bad precedent to set, CmdrTaco agreed with this when he stopped wielding the ability to mass remoderate people (ironically those who were messing with Signal 11).
Not only that, but it definately shows that Michael is letting the abuse get to him. That does him quite a bit of harm, as now his last article seems to be about 75% crap, as opposed to the probably 35% that the other
Posted non-anon because this is stuff that matters.
Decentralized FSF (Score:2)
Re:New FSF stymied (Score:1)
Re:Michael says "excellent" (Score:1)
The FSF has done a hell of a lot of good as the lone "voice of freedom" in the software industry, so being a bit extremist isn't necessarily a bad thing. RMS is the perfect leader for the FSF - he's not willing to compromise the FSF's ideals for anything. It would be a very flimsy and untrustworthy organization otherwise.
Re:New FSF stymied (Score:1)
Isn't it something wrong when FSF (Free Software Foundation) people are loyal to ESR, the person who refuses to call free software "free software" but instead "open source"? It seems there is some confusion here about loyalness...
Then again, I agree that "FSF-Europe" is better than "FSF-Eurasia". Europe is a continent, Eurasia isn't. "FSF-Eurasia" sounds like "FSF-ForAlmostEverythingOutsideAmerica" and seems to me as stupid as that too. Everything outside America isn't homogenous, on the contrary. If there is a need for FSF-Asia, let it be founded too, instead of trying to put everything in this one new FSF sister organization.
Re:New FSF stymied (Score:1)
Yes, I know, this was also what I meant, although it might not have been perfectly clear. "Eurasia" is the name of a tectonic plate that most of Europe and Asia happen to be on, it is not the name of a continent; Europe and Asia are different continents (as everybody should know).
Re:Are you serious?! (Score:1)
W3C has some info about HTML 2 [w3.org] if anyone is interested.
Re:New FSF stymied (Score:1)
Re:you forgot Unix and BSD (Score:1)
And I didn't claim neither of these. PLEASE read the comment you're replying to before posting.
Declaration of Intent (Score:3)
Re:New FSF stymied (Score:1)
Otherwise why not go for FSF-EU as this would cover an area with more homogenised legal and intellectual systems than 'Europe' or 'Eurasia'.
But it is a joke, right?
Lazy guys. (Score:1)
When I first read this, I thought to myself, what a bunch of lazy bums! Why don't they support theirselves.
THE LINUX PIMP [thelinuxpimp.com]
Re:New FSF stymied (Score:1)
Whether this FSF-Europe is a good thing or not remains to be seen, but an FSF-EU would be terrible.
Re:Michael says "excellent" (Score:4)
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.
Re:offtopic-- YOUR TROLLS ONLINE (Score:1)
I couldn't give two hoots whether you mess about with people's accounts (you shouldn't, IMO) but it's not like you've built a system that thwocks people equally - there seems to be a sore spot with "signal 11" in particular. A festering sore, even. You do not go about closing people's accounts (sorry, "changing the passwords") equally and there are many account misuses.
Signal 11 is a poncy posey dickwad, let's not fibble over semantics, but you are *ahem* signaling him/her out, and first year behavioural students will tell you that a reaction is expected.
Oh, and your logic is amusing Michael. Because a person may get a new name you're not censoring them -- how is one supposed to prove that they are who they say they are?
If one were to change your account, regularly, there's little doubt that no one would believe your claims of being someone else. You can't build up a history of good posts, or karma.
Cut it out, editors.
Well, I get your point. (Score:1)
I think this subject would make a good movie. Do you think we could get Woody Harrelson to play the lead?
If only Siggy had portscanned a hacked site (Score:1)
Then we could have had nice, long, sanctimonious about how portscanning really isn't attacking a system, and maybe gotten 1000 replies. [slashdot.org]
Maybe we need a new poll.
Portscanning is
Re:Michael says "excellent" (Score:1)
Dude, I think when they said to make sure that there are no differences they meant "to make sure there were no points of contention", not "to make sure they were exactly alike".
They've already announced they are going to have localized chapters, so we know at least some things are going to be changed.
Ever get the impression that your life would make a good sitcom?
Ever follow this to its logical conclusion: that your life is a sitcom?
Re:you forgot Unix and BSD (Score:2)
Re:American beer! (Score:1)
Re:Michael says "excellent" (Score:2)
Maybe, maybe not. No one can tell. But one thing is certain, RMS did not invent the concept of free software. He was not coming up with something new, but trying to get back to what once existed.
The computer and software industry has undergone tremendous changes since their beginnings. At first hardware was incredibly expensive so software was thrown in for free. Now we have the opposite, where you can get the hardware for free by signing up for two years with a service. But the intrinsic value of source code has not changed. To say that free software all hinged on one man is ridiculous. Eventually someone would have done something similar.
Would free systems like Linux, GNU or BSD have arrived later without RMS? Maybe. But maybe they would have arrived earlier. Maybe without his radicalism the commercial developers wouldn't have shied away from it. We'll never know.
Viral! (Score:1)
It just goes to show that the US can export anything!
Just hope this one isn't as badly received as McDonalds was......
Chas - The one, the only.
Re:Now KDE learn diff between FREE SW and OPEN SOU (Score:1)
"Free" isn't a term.. it's a word meaning "at no cost" Free Software is software provided at no cost.
MsIE is free software...
The term "Open Source" was created becouse it is far more narrow than other existing terms and better fits what the FSF premotes.
While the FSF prefers the terms "Freeware" "Copyleft"... and "Free Software" I don't...
Corprate enitys are abusing the terminology right now pritty badly...
Sun was charging around $30 shipping and handling for Solarus.. and calling that free...
The publication Freebes (a mag on free stuff) defines free as charging less than $2 for shipping and handling. At $30 Sun dosn't come close to even this rather lose standard.
I however prefer the dictionary deffinition of free.. "At no charg"
Re:Now KDE learn diff between FREE SW and OPEN SOU (Score:1)
The "Free" in Free Software is NOT the same "free" as in free speech. If they were the same thing, then I should have the same rights to my own software as I would to my own speech. But that is not what the FSF wants. I have the right to speak publicly and to speak privately. But the FSF doesn't want me to distribute software privately, only publicly or not at all.
RMS chose the adjective "free" because he felt constrained by "proprietary" software (and rightfully so). But this "free" is synonymous with "open", not "liberty". As long as his means are voluntary, he can play his word games all day long. But once he seeks to compel software "freedom", he will become no better than a tyrant.
Kudos to the FSF (Score:1)
| aim: | bagel is back |
| icq: | 158450 |
Re:Hypocrisy, michael (Score:2)
> I've never thought much of you, michael, but you've far exceeded my expectations here. You positively drip with hypocrisy.
He just fucked up by not remembering that an email would be sent. Hypocrit _and_ stupid. Lol.
Found this, thought that it would interest you (Score:1)
Re:American beer! (Score:1)
i drink carlton cold filtered, or hahn premium
Re:offtopic-- YOUR TROLLS ONLINE (Score:1)
Why didn't you use it to post then?
Michael says "excellent" (Score:2)
We do more research, so you don't have too (Score:1)
Re:offtopic-- YOUR TROLLS ONLINE (Score:1)
Michael, you are a hypocrite and a liar, and you are no better then Sengan.