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Furry Cow Cases 168

Cire writes "Saw this one off 3DNews, some guy has written step by step instructions on how to turn your computer case into one that looks like a Furry Cow. " It's shagadelic, baby!
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Furry Cow Cases

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward
    It's amazing what'll pass for newsworthy these days. Did you guys miss arts & crafts in preschool?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    ..............SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS::::::::::::::::::::: NS
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  • here's some stats: []

    max comments any story ever got was about 1500 or so ;)
  • had to say it!
  • hrm, I've done all the above and I'm not half that
    weight nor terribly there something I'm not doing?

  • And, why are they wrapping the wires in plastic tubing? What are they trying to hide? ;-)

  • remincescant of the furry dog that he converted his truck into. look what they traded that in for...

    sorry, but my dual 400 is not going to get traded in for a C64 no matter how I love nostalgia :)
  • Hey. It's funny. And kinda cool in a daft way. And slashdot has always had articles like this.

    It's nothing to do with VALinux. It is entirely to do with CmdrTaco's sense of humour.

    Lighten up.

  • "some" of the images? I don't see *any* of them... I care less about the how-to and more about the pictures. :) It's nice that you tried, however.

    If only google had gotten around to spidering his site before it went away.

  • Hehehehe:

    Site was last updated on 1/01/70 (10999 days ago)
    Copyright © 2000 CHUK: Chick's Hardware UK

  • that this falls under the "Stuff That Matters" dept. If you are looking for straight news, you might want to check out segfault []
  • by jawad ( 15611 )
    I haven't seen it (it's slashdotted), but I would think it would get pretty hot. Definately not the overclockers' case.
  • My work here is done. I've added yet another torll to the flock. What the fuck is a torll anyway?
  • Forbidden

    You don't have permission to access /chuk/html/guides/custom/gcustomfluf.html on this server.

    Looks like they didn't like the load.

  • Speaking as a vegetarian, I must say I've no idea why it's shagadelic; but then that's because I have no actual clue as to what the word means.
    As for the 'murdering cattle'; grow up. I don't want this to sound like a flame, but showing cows respect because we feel like a leather computer case is a bit above and beyond the call of sanity.
    Why is it, for example, that cows and doggies are considered unassailable, but grass -- something that's equally alive -- is not? Why don't we try to stop evil, insensitive cows munching on grass?
    Vegetable rights now!
  • The slashdot article with the most comments is Evolution is a Myth in Kansas [] with 1505 comments

    You should click the link to your left that says "HOF" -- hall of fame... jeez... -Kneelius the Great
  • I'm not some 16-year-old kid. I want news THAT MATTERS, not cow cases.

    Come on Slashdot, stop selling yourselves out!
  • These are trolls. Somebody wants to make trouble for VA Linux, so he's doing this.
  • Another Slashdotter had this link in their sig on some other discussion a few weeks ago: []

  • If you visit /. enough you'll also develop a herd mentality.

    Are you sure that's not a HURD [] mentality?

  • Not to put a damper on your complaint, but I hope you're not a (GASP!) vegetarian! Remember, they're alive too. As the Arrogant Worms (a fine band) once put it:

    I've heard the screams of the Vegetables (scream scream scream)
    Watching their skins being peeled (Having their insides revealed)
    Grated and steamed without mercy (Burning off calories)
    How do you think that feels? (Bet it hurts really bad)
    Carrot Juice Constitutes Murder (And that's a real crime)
    Greenhouses, prisons for slaves (Let my vegetables grow)
    It's time to stop all this gardening (it's as dirty as hell)
    Let's call a spade a spade (is a spade is a spade...)

    Save the veggies -- eat a cow!
  • Cases are usually made out of metal for a very good reason - RF interference. I have most of my computers in the same room as all my audio and video equipment. I went through and used metal foil tape on all the large holes in each of my computer cases (like unused drive bay openings), added chokes to each of the video cables, and used a sheilded AC cord on each machine.

    The result? Less noise on my cable TV, a lower noise floor on my audio and a feeling of pride that I'm not contributing to the sea of RF hash generated by all those people pushing their computers past the limits of sanity.

    P.S. Plastic cases from reputable makers have metal shields inside. Macs have RF generating bits individually shielded.

  • Yeah, maybe true, but he was referring to the see through perspex case mentioned earlier

    Exactly, thanks. Transparent cases might be a lot of fun, but if someone ran a pair of over-clocked processors and an overclocked graphics card in one, they'd put out as much RF garbage as the average blender!

  • Errm.... ok... but am I that bad at reading or isn't he Commander Taco?
  • I thought there was a Hello Kitty version of everything. In fact, I'm surprised there isn't an island somewhere like that.... they have everything the rest of the world has except it all has Sanrio characters on it:

    Correcting malformed URL [] ^n_n^....?

  • This might be moderated as flamebait or a troll, but that is not my intention:

    Why is covering a computer case with the skin of a slaughtered innocent animal "shagadelic?" I know that we have become desensitized to the murder of cattle because we eat them and they taste good, but what if these cases had been covered in horse skin? Or the skin of a collie? I know, dogs are "different," but we slaughter millions of dogs - dogs that are put down due to the indifference and neglect of their owners - at dog shelters every year. Certainly the skins shouldn't be allowed to go to waste?

    Anytime that we find ourselves decorating our computer cases (or ourselves) with a material ripped off the flesh of other animals - and we ARE animals, too - I think we ought to show a bit more respect than referring to it as "shagadelic."

    Just my two cents worth.
  • Okay, you've had too much caffeine (though I'd spot you a point's worth of moderation if I had any). So what's the excuse for...

    THIS?! []

    Not that I'm not getting one; it'll go great with my Hacker Barbie --
    putting her Vaio on a lazy-susan and calling it Cow In A Tornado.

  • -Designer cases (mahogany, leather...)
    -Graduation gift computers that look more like a trophy
    -Computer cases that look like furniture (bookcase, plant potter)
    -TARDIS cases from Dr Who
    -stealth cases: imagin just a monitor hooked up with a hidden cable or infrared port, but no visible computer
    -null case: just a pile of circuits and cables
    -beer keg computers
    -fish aquarium cases
  • Clarus, down boy! Yes, I know your IQ is at least a factor of 4 greater than w****l, but you don't have to rub it in.
  • What happens when those Dual Celerons get hot? Fakin Bacon grease runs into the case! I bet it's conductive too! But you can at least feast after the computer goes up in smoke, er, down in grease?
  • The permissions on the website are jacked. Its no longer viewable.
  • The coolest computer case:

    o Is made of legos []
    o Looks like a cow
    o Is transparent []
    o Can survive an EMP blast []
    o Runs outdoors []
    o Is any case around a linux box


  • <a href=""></a> is the case source!!! Ok - this was a blantent plug - but we do post about cases all the time.
  • Whoa, check out my sigfile :)~ Oh, and, umm, moooo, er umm, something.

    Klaatoooo. . . Verataaa. . . Mmmbhrimmmphmm!!@#$
  • Yeah, I e-mailed the Webmaster too, and he didn't how to fix it. Dork! It's in JavaScript!

  • Pretty cool. There are two other cases made of unique materials that I know of, both Macs. One uses the case of an antique radio [], the other uses Legos [].
  • Dammit, let the rabbits wear glasses! -tool
  • o/~ I hear the screams of the radishes, watching they're skins being peeled (having their insides removed~~)...Carrot juice constitutes murder..o/~ I wish I could remember the name of that song.
  • They'd have to run HURD...
  • Sorry, I couldn't withstand:

    Jules: They're filthy animals. I don't eat filthy animals.

    Vincent: Sausages taste good. Pork chops taste good.

    Jules: A sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie. I'll never know 'cause even if it did, I wouldn't eat the filthy motherfucker. Pigs sleep and root in shit. That's a filthy animal. I don't wanna eat nothin' that ain't got enough sense to disregard its own faeces.

    Vincent: How about dogs? Dogs eat their own faeces.

    Jules: I don't eat dog either.

    Vincent: Yes, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal?

    Jules: I wouldn't go so far as to call a dog filthy, but they're definitely dirty. But a dog's got personality. And personality goes a long way.

    Vincent: So by that rationale, if a pig had a better personality, he's cease to be a filthy animal?

    Jules: We'd have to be talkin' 'bout one motherfuckin' charmin' pig. It'd have to be the Cary Grant of pigs.

  • I'm not an expert or nothing, but I know a lot of people who just leave the cover off of their cases, and that doesn't seem to hurt anything (even with the monitor right by it). And what about those plastic Mac cases or laptops?

    Pablo Nevares, "the freshmaker".
  • They're trying to hide the cables from all the air floating about. =)

    Pablo Nevares, "the freshmaker".
  • CmdrTaco, this cannot be a valid article for slashdot, this is
    weird and a little strange, what are you drinking.

    Please don't let /. turn into a discussion group for things like
  • It also sounds a lot like "Disgustipated," the unlisted bonus track on Tool's second album, "Undertow."

    "I have heard the cries of the carrots... You see, tomorrow is the harvest day, and to them, it is the holocaust. They have a soul! Damn it, let the rabbits wear glasses! Can I get a hallelujah?"


  • "Saw this one off 3DNews, some guy has written step by step instructions on how to turn your computer case into one that looks like a Furry Cow."

    Ahh, but there's all sorts of places you can take this idea... for example, if you were to cover the case with plastic wrap and a bit of dirt... or whatever it is chia grass grows in.

    Chia grass... for a martian cow.

    Moss... for a mangy martian cow.

    or maybe use those annoying fuzzy pink toilet seat covers, for a... um... weird mutant people-eating cow.

    or epoxy and clippings from your local barbershop- I'm sorry, "hair styling parlor"... for a computer case that resembles Cousin It.

    oh, the sky's the limit.

    There's gotta be something you can do with it for valentine's day...

    something red with hearts?

    Beats me, I'm tired... g'night, ya'll...

    *rereads post*

    I... have had too much caffeine.
  • I thought I was reading about cow-cases?

    This signature contains text from the worlds funniest signature.

  • Why when I go to ustomfluf.html which is the link in the posted article, I get an Access Forbidden warning? Just wondering...
  • Thanks for making my day friend!!!
    I am glad to see a rating of 2 on your post. I have some new stuff right now and I am always calling my old stuff for help and advice. Why didn't I just keep my old stuff in the first place?

  • Cool! 8P

    Where did this pic come from? Is there a company making and selling these? Got a URL for us?

    Come ON, man! Don't hold out on us!


  • huggable computers? methinks tis time to get out and do something if you wanna get all cosy with your GNU HURD bOxen ..... on the other hand, love the one you're with?
  • This is the most amazing picture of a cow I have ever seen. How did they turn "Forbidden" into a computer?
  • "Hey Bill! I've got a silly question to ask."

    "Mark, you're the boss that gives us the equipment - ask away."

    "What is this item that you have have requested ... er, Fur, fur ..."

    "Oh that! Nothing, just a regular new model computer we need to evaluate."

    "Oh good. Thank heavens! I'll approve it then."

    "What's the problem?"

    "Nah - silly me. For a moment I thought it was Furby. Have fun with it when it comes in the mail new week!"

  • Here is a good idea.. buy a new iBook.. and slap PPClinux on it of course.. Then paint it pink on the inside.. then maybe a nice *earthy* flesh tone on the outside.. then attach hair to both the top and bottem half's but most jut around the outside edge. Hey.. they they gave us a Clam shape.. how far away was the bearded clam book?

    Also... why is there a VA post on the is story column?. It makes no sense. I thought the merger wasnt going to affect much.. guess we are seeing th begining of the end. I fear if this is the beginnig.. what will the end be?
  • "Carrot Juice is Murder", sometimes the most
    obvious answer is the right one. :)

  • There's the car driving banner ad - cmdrtaco pretending to be VA - all the comments are offtopic and the the site is suffering from a DDOS.


    BTW: What slashdot story had the most comments ever? (I know gnome/kde used to gets lots long ago - but that was only relative to the ability of the system to cope with them. What did that story get to? 700ish? Have any stories topped 1000 yet?


  • Stupid dDOS people attacking something actually important.

    There's the car driving banner ad - cmdrtaco pretending to be VA - all the comments are offtopic and the the site is suffering from a DDOS.


    BTW: What slashdot story had the most comments ever? (I know gnome/kde used to gets lots long ago - but that was only relative to the ability of the system to cope with them. What did that story get to? 700ish? Have any stories topped 1000 yet?


  • It used to be that computers would be spec'ed, not bespeckled.

    ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ I've done it...

    :-only kona in my cup-:

    :-robert taylor-:
  • Although I am extremely happy with what's inside my computers this personalization movement is good. This, and even more the iMac phenomenon, prove that non-techies (A.K.A., normal people) accept the PC as integral in their life.

    Perhaps the selling mark of the 00's will not relate to what's 'Inside' but what's merely on the Outside.

    This also proves that PC's are commodities to most and are differientiated by oddities.


    On another (but Off Topic) note, Shouldn't Slashdot warn hosts that they're about to be /.'ed? How soon did the poor guy's site go down? If everyone hit my personal Earthlink site (which has a limit of 250 MB per month output) come morning, I'd have "a lot of 'splaining to do, Lucy..."

    :-only kona in my cup-:

    :-robert taylor-:
  • that's "Klaatu, Verata, Nikto"
  • (rant on)(offtopic reply to an offtopic subject)

    Ok. I can understand someone either not realizing that the posts were not from VA Linux, or even pretending to not realize that fact for whatever purposes.

    All that aside, can anyone, under any means, justify why that reply was moderated up?

    It's not on-topic (having nothing to do with a cow case 90% of the readers of this article haven't been able to see). It's not insightful in any way I care to think about (perhaps that anyone can get duped is an insight?).

    Now could someone please find a working link, post it, and transfer all the points wasted moderating up that message to the new working link reply?

    Thank you.

    (rant off)


  • Time to up your medication again. . .
  • Umm, err, Mr. Bastard sir, it's not VA sir, it's a troll.

    Thank you


    LMAO! That was funny. Where can I get one?

  • Get the whole book, it's still in print, 1483 pages, ships in 24 hours. ISBN 0-449-21977-1
    At Barnes&Noble costs 12.98, 3 revieweres gave it "*****": iry.asp?userid=1PSD88VW2V&mscssid=BAKRL2 S8UQS12MRJ001PQUW93AFKCVVC&srefer=&isbn=1567311636
    At Amazon costs 6.39, 72 reviewers gave it "****1/2": qid=950254017/sr=1-2/102-2038011-6858415

    troll, ...They lived in mountains, sometimes stole human maidens, and could transform themselves and prophesy...

  • Let's see what William L. Shirer says about her in "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich", chapter 27 - "The New Order":

    "Not only skeletons but human skins were collected by the masters of the New Order though in the latter case the pretense could not be made that the cause of scientific research was being served. The skins of concentration camp prisoners, especially executed for this ghoulish purpose, had merely decorative value. They made, it was found, excellent lamp shades, several of which were expressly fitted up for Frau Ilse Koch, the wife of the commandant of Buchenwald and nicknamed by the inmates the "Bitch of Buchenwald". Tattoed skins appear to have been the most sought after. A German inmate, Andreas Pfaffenberger, deposed at Nurenberg on this.

    ...All prisoners with tattoing on them were ordered to report to the dispensary... After the prisoners had been examined the ones with the best and most artistic specimens were killed by injections. The corpses were then turned over to the patological department where the desired pieces of tattoed skin were detached from the bodies and treated further. The finished products were turned over to Koch's wife, who had them fashioned into lamp shades, and other ornamental household articles.

    One piece of skin which apparently struck Frau Koch's fancy had the words "Haensel and Gretel" tattoed on it.

    At another camp, Dachau, the demand for such skins often outran the supply. A Czech physician prisoner, Dr. Frank Bláha, testified at Nurenberg as to that.

    Sometimes we would not have enough bodies with good skin and Dr. Rascher would say, "All right, you will get the bodies." The next day we would receive twenty or thirty bodies of young people. They would have been shot in the neck or struck in the head, so that the skin would be uninjured... The skin had to be from healthy prisoners and free from defects."

    I'm sorry if I intrude in your veggie rant, but I feel that there are some things that should never be forgotten, lest we allow them to be repeated...

    troll, ...They lived in mountains, sometimes stole human maidens, and could transform themselves and prophesy...

  • 1. Locate a cow.
    2. Locat a knife.
    3. Insert knife into cow, remove skin.
    4. Glue skin to computer case.
    5. Bring cow head into parents' house durring the night and yell "lucabratzi sleeps with the fishes!" while waving it over their bed.
  • Do cows have fur?

  • I hope that this is a joke.

    Listen, I love VA Linux, I would love to get a job there... It's great that they acquired our beloved /. But save the ads for the banners. Comments are for comments. If you all were selling cow fur covered boxen, sure, make the comment, but this is completely unrelated. While I would like to reiterate, that I really do love your company, my first reaction when I saw this post was that it must be a joke, and quite frankly, I don't find it to be an appropriate use of /.

    I don't mean to sound like a dick, I know that I do, and I know that you own /. and could turn the servers into toilet seats if you really felt like it, but I am sure that many users feel this way.
  • Here's a link to an article (that was mentioned by Slashdot a while ago) that shows how to make a clear plastic case. []
  • Yeah, maybe true, but he was referring to the see through perspex case mentioned earlier
  • IT's just absolutely fine by me, and, I suspect, many, many others. Animals are for eating and generally using as we se fit .... Personally, I've always wanted to know what Golden Eagle tastes like .... apparently it's a bit like Swan or Giant Panda
  • I'd love to have a totally different look for my computer. I was wondering when the transparent cases would appear (sort of like those transparent telephones).

  • Hello, I remember a post a while ago that had a link to a web site that sells dual and triple computer cases.

    I was wondering if anybody knows the link to this website.

    Thanks, Nick
  • dude, clear cases are awesome, but nothing beats the cow. i mean, how can anybody possibly pass up the chance to have A COW in your OWN BEDROOM?!?!

    okay, okay, cows in bedrooms aren't always the best (for one thing, they are hard to get rid of).

    but with every company trying to come up with some original spin on the "grey box," i think that cow cases are welcome. they bring good competition for the ugly but revolutionary new macintosh boxes or the dell "toaster" box.

  • by samelot ( 146118 )
    like i said, hard to get rid of....
  • What do you think Gateway will say about this? Is it copyright infringement?
  • Moooooooooooooooof!!
    Sorry, I just couldn't resist.
  • Geez... Do the words "Fake Fur" ring a bell? And what does this have to do with Nazi's? Someone thought I'd be cute to cover his case with fake cow fur/skin. Big Deal.

    Granted, your section is saddening, deeply troubling and makes me depressed. I'll to eat a few pounds of prime rib in my leather coat and make hamburgers for the homeless tomorrow. Oh the shame.
  • Technos dun said:

    I'd have no problem with a horse-hide case. I've got a horse-hide chair stuffed with horse-hair already! Hell, I'd probably eat horse as well! I'm sorry, but a horse is a domestic pack animal, not unlike a mule, and not far off-field from a cow. Cats, dogs, rats, etc fall into a seperate category; They were domesticated for pleasure, not food or utility.

    Some minor corrections there:

    First off, rats were originally domesticated for use in labs, not as pets. (That came later.)

    Second, dogs were domesticated (or, some theorise, humans and dogs domesticated each other) in a sort of symbiotic relationship relating to hunting--in other words, we helped each other hunt. Furthermore, up until fairly recently (we're talking in the past 300 years or so), most dogs (and most cats, for that matter) were utility animals, NOT household pets. (Hell, on farms TODAY the barn-cats are seen more as utility-cats than pets, and the same goes for the border-collies that may be working dogs on the farm.)

    Also, what dogs were bred for besides as working dogs varies a great deal with the culture. The Aztecs, for instance, DID eat dog (it was considered a delicacy) and actually bred a type of dog that was hairless for easier preparation as food. (This being the Mexican Hairless, of course.) There is also some evidence that Chihuahua dogs were originally bred as food animals (no, I am not making this up, and I think we can stop the bad Taco Bell jokes now :).

    As it is, I'd feel better about the cow cases, because (in all odds) they are using skins from cows that were headed to slaughter ANYWAYS--the moo is going to be a side of beef or at least stew meat anyways. At least they're using all of the cow; it's not like they're killing thousands of Holsteins just to rip off their skins and leaving the carcasses to rot (a la the bison of the old West) or anything.

    I'd be a little more leery of horse, and more leery still of dog and cat, because (typically) most people in Western cultures don't eat those animals, and (at least with slaughterhouses for horses) most of the time foreign buyers have to be found for the horsemeat so that they can use the entire animal. (Dogmeat seems to be limited to some Asian cultures; I don't know of anyone who eats cats. Cat would probably taste horrid anyways, seeing as kitties are obligate carnivores.) Also, horses sent for slaughter tend to be either old horses or are mustangs that are illegally being sent to slaughter (the federal "adopt-a-mustang" program does stipulate that animals are not to be sent to slaughter; hundreds go to slaughter anyways).

    Then again, I'm weird in that I think if you are going to take an animal's life (for food or skins), you should do right by the animal to use as much of it as you can. This puts me in the rather odd position of being ok with hunting deer for food or eating cows, but not being ok with trophy hunts or killing animals just for skins. *shrug*

  • do they now get free advertising since they own Slashdot?
    i could really care less. but what the fuck do you think? like you said - they own the shit and can do whatever they want with it. i would think that you'd be grateful to VA for not linux.commifying slashdot.
  • Got it mirrored, should be nice and fast.

    here []

    Missing a couple of images, mail me if you've got them. I have some other in my cache I can pull too.

  • Hey bleeding heart --

    if you read the article you will see that is not real cow skin (unfortunately)
  • Spritz it with a dilute saline solution and let it evaporate: sweat.
    If you attach an oscillating brush-tipped appendage to swat the flies away, you'll really be in business.
  • -Designer cases: I need me an eel-skin case!

    -Graduation gift computers that look more like a trophy: They'd just languish in the back of the closet with the box of graduation day pen and pencil sets.

    -Computer cases that look like furniture: We had these back in the seventies. The PC was the desk, and vice-versa.

    -TARDIS cases from Dr Who: Accompanied by the 'Tardis' E theme, no doubt!

    -stealth cases: Hide it in the wall, hang a picture over it.

    -null case: Drywall screws and a nearby wall. A Beowulf cluster as modern art!

    -beer keg computers: The fun part is emptying the case!

    -fish aquarium cases: Sealed in resin, you too can forgo the traditional tank heater with this fan-free Xeon. Wait. You'd kill the fish. Too hot.

    -Macintosh: Cram an E-Machines Celeron into one of those fishbowls, I dare you!
  • Yes. Ever ridden a horse? Cow fur is similar, albeit a bit more coarse. That and cows rarely smell as nice!
  • I'd have no problem with a horse-hide case. I've got a horse-hide chair stuffed with horse-hair already! Hell, I'd probably eat horse as well! I'm sorry, but a horse is a domestic pack animal, not unlike a mule, and not far off-field from a cow. Cats, dogs, rats, etc fall into a seperate category; They were domesticated for pleasure, not food or utility.

  • Apologies. Meant to reply to the parent. My bad..
  • Just like in the clear case we're talking about, the plastic is coated with a conductive paint which shields the RF interference. Having the case off OTOH lets the RF noise leak out. Good thing the wattage is pretty low for the high frequency stuff. The FCC could take a dim view of a little FM station in every household...
  • sorry, I don't [have a cached copy]. CTNews is working on getting the server back up, though.


  • It was by the Arrogant Worms... Canadians, I believe. I've heard the screams of the vegetables...
  • I'd much rather have this case: http://www.hard pg [].

    Talk about open computing... =)

    Pablo Nevares, "the freshmaker".
  • Wasn't Hindus, its the /. DoS attack. Sounds so much cooler than the /. effect. Very Cosmopolitan.
  • by 348 ( 124012 )
    This has got to be the silliest waste of money I've ever seen. (bar the Govt. of course)

    Who would want one of these things? Got to admit it's sort of funny but at the same time sort of disturbing at the same time. Gateway is going to have a field day with this guy.

  • 3 cheers! Thats funny. Since we can't get to the cow story due to Slashdots DoS attack your post was well timed.
  • by Signal 11 ( 7608 ) on Thursday February 10, 2000 @01:46PM (#1286989)
    Official Gateway letter sent to company:

    copyright violation blah blah jail blah violation blah blah cease and decist blah blah blah...


    Don't have a cow, man.

  • by Shoeboy ( 16224 ) on Thursday February 10, 2000 @01:48PM (#1286990) Homepage
    Here's step by step instructions on how to turn yourself into something that looks like a furry cow.
    1. Get a job as a programmer or sysadmin.
    2. Work at it for at least a year.
    3. Visit /. regularly

    As long as you start with sufficient body hair, I guarantee you'll be a 400lb furry beast that grazes constantly. If you visit /. enough you'll also develop a herd mentality.
  • by Mr. Piccolo ( 18045 ) on Thursday February 10, 2000 @02:21PM (#1286991) Homepage
    as it's now marked "403 Forbidden".
  • by Duxup ( 72775 ) on Thursday February 10, 2000 @01:48PM (#1286992) Homepage
    /.ed :-(
    Guess I'll have to check out the links in the "Older Stuff" section.
    The "Older Stuff" section is often like my old girlfriend. Sure it's not that new, and most of my friends have been there . . . but she's available when I call.
  • by jesser ( 77961 ) on Thursday February 10, 2000 @02:51PM (#1286993) Homepage Journal
    The page at 3dnews linking to the now-dead site is onearticle.x?id=15247&daysago= []. This page includes the first few paragraphs of the dead site.

    I already e-mailed the 3dnews guy asking him if he has a cached copy of the whole thing, so don't flood him :)


  • by Taxing Bastard ( 79322 ) on Thursday February 10, 2000 @02:04PM (#1286994) Homepage
    is anyone else feeling slightly patronised by thes e comments being posted in way offtopic places?
    this is the third time now after all. If VA wants to advertise on Slashdot, why don't they do what other people do and buy some banner ad space? Or do they now get free advertising since they own Slashdot? 8240&cid=53 6237&cid=29

"Pok pok pok, P'kok!" -- Superchicken
