Best Voicemail Apps for iPhone of 2025

Find and compare the best Voicemail apps for iPhone in 2025

Use the comparison tool below to compare the top Voicemail apps for iPhone on the market. You can filter results by user reviews, pricing, features, platform, region, support options, integrations, and more.

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    VirtualPBX Reviews
    Top Pick


    136 Ratings
    Top Pick See App
    Learn More
    At VirtualPBX, we offer a comprehensive suite of communication solutions tailored specifically for businesses like yours. This includes our versatile business phone plans, which are designed to be both flexible and scalable, allowing you to customize features such as call routing, voicemail, and conferencing to meet your organization's unique needs. With our contact center solutions, we empower you to enhance your customer service and support efforts through features like interactive voice response (IVR), call queuing, and real-time monitoring. Additionally, our business texting service enables convenient communication with both customers and colleagues via SMS. And if you're looking to transition from traditional analog phone systems, our Airdial Pots replacement solutions offer a seamless move to modern, cloud-based alternatives. Overall, at VirtualPBX, we're dedicated to equipping businesses like yours with the necessary tools to streamline communication, improve customer service, and enhance overall productivity. Get a free demo today!
  • 2
    Google Voice Reviews
    Top Pick
    An easy-to-use phone system that suits all sizes of organizations allows you to stay connected, organized, and on-task. Voice makes work calls easier. You can make and receive phone calls from any device using a work number. Communicate more effectively. Voice can be tailored to your day-today workflow. The familiar G Suite Admin console combines number assignment, porting, billing and billing. Google's AI can filter spam calls and automatically transcribe voicemail. It also allows you to configure your PBX. Integrations with Hangouts Meet, Calendar and Google Calendar help keep the focus on what's most important. Voice can be used instantly and anywhere with less administrative work. Keep your eyes on the important things while you are connected via deskphones, smartphones and the internet.
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    YouMail Reviews



    $14.99 per month
    1 Rating
    YouMail, Inc protects consumers, businesses, and carriers against harmful phone calls. Protect consumers with our app-based call protection services. We protect consumers-facing businesses by helping to stop imposter traffic that could cause financial or brand damage. We protect carriers by providing robocall mitigation services, which detect bad traffic entering, traversing, and terminating on their networks. Our direct consumer solutions respond to over a billion calls annually from well over 10,000,000 registered users. They are America's strongest telephone sensor network, providing zero-hour protection against illegal calls and cyberattacks. The Robocall Index™ is also operated by us. It is the nation's most reliable source of information on attacks and telephone network activity. YouMail has over 10 million users. It has answered more than 10 billion calls and stopped more than 1 billion robocalls. Millions use our reverse phone lookup service every month.
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    InstaVoice Reviews
    InstaVoice is changing the voice landscape by offering innovative mobile services to carriers in 46 countries. InstaVoice is the result of the combination of creativity, knowledge, and experience of the Voice SMS founders. It was created with the goal of providing a reliable voicemail app for consumers all over the globe. In a chat-like user interface, listen, reply, and manage unlimited voicemails from all your linked numbers. Say good riddance to 'Your-voicemail-is-full' messages! Unlimited storage allows you to access voicemail messages from the past, even if your carrier changes. You can get missed call alerts for all your linked numbers even if your phone is off or not reachable. You can view your missed calls in the "Missed Calls Tab" and call back or reply with a voice message or text message directly from the app.
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    Voxist Reviews



    $4.99 per month
    2 Ratings
    Voxist replaces your carrier’s inefficient voicemail. You can delight callers with personalized greetings or save time by reading transcribed voicemail messages. You can access messages via email or on your phone so you don't miss a thing. Voxist is a free voicemail application that's easy to use. It allows you to manage your personal and business voicemails efficiently. Are you in a meeting? In a train or a car? Are you traveling with another client? Listen to your voicemail, not read it! All your voicemails are available on one screen. In one click, you can access the most important one. Our reliable and high-quality voicemail transcription service allows you to read voicemails in more 70 languages. With personalized voicemail greetings, you can delight your clients and friends. You can discourage spammers from leaving messages by creating a greeting that lets them understand they are not welcome.
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    Verizon Visual Voicemail Reviews

    Verizon Visual Voicemail


    $2.99 per line per month
    2 Ratings
    Basic Visual Voicemail displays a list of all your voicemails. You can choose which voicemails to play, delete, or reply to by calling or texting. Premium Visual Voicemail and voicemail to text for iPhone transcribe the first 45 seconds of your voicemails, so you can easily read them. All Verizon mobile phones have basic (audio) voicemails. To manage voicemails, you can dial *86 from any mobile device. Basic Visual Voicemail is included in your smartphone plan for free. Android devices with prepaid accounts are not eligible for this service. Premium Visual Voicemail allows you to read voicemails for $2.99 per month on Android/Windows smartphones Prepaid accounts are not eligible. Visual Voicemail may cost you additional data depending on your plan. You will be charged per megabyte for download and use, or according to the data package you have. Mobile-to-mobile minutes do not apply. All calls, emails and messages sent from Visual Voicemail are subject to standard rates
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    VXT Reviews



    $52.50 per user per month
    Automatic time entries and notes can help you capture 40% more time on calls. You can win more placements and avoid disputes by automatically saving each call with candidates in your CRM or ATS. VXT offers flexible solutions to businesses that want to put customers first. VXT voicemail allows you to create smart greetings for your contacts, so you can personalize their experience. VXT Voicemail cloud software allows you to access voicemails from any device. You can record the call as you would normal phone calls. This can then be transcribed directly into your notes.
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    Dialogic OnDemand Voicemail Reviews
    Dialogic OnDemand Voicemail, which is all software, can be run in virtualized environments. This allows you to share resources and reduce delivery costs. It reduces the number mailboxes required by creating temporary resources that can shared among subscribers. However, it maintains the same privacy and security standards than permanent mailboxes. Legacy platforms can be expensive to maintain and require additional space and power. You can reduce operational costs by upgrading to an on-demand platform that is fully virtualized. This will not affect your service. Your customer service costs will drop with the easy-to-use interface designed to improve subscribers' self-service capabilities. You can enable temporary and dynamic voicemailboxes. Only assign the mailbox to customers when it is needed. Reduce the cost and number of voicemail boxes. Access anywhere, on any device. You can give your voicemail service a visual makeover and offer customers the most recent features.
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    Decipher VoiceMail Reviews

    Decipher VoiceMail

    Decipher Tools

    $19.99 one-time payment
    You can quickly load messages from your iTunes backup to your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. Decipher VoiceMail allows you to save your iPhone voicemail history to your computer. Never lose important messages again! You can now backup your messages using Finder on Macs that run Monterey, Big Sur or Catalina. You can listen to messages as MP3 and AMR files using Decipher VoiceMail. You can also export messages as MP3 and AMR for emailing. You can easily view messages by name in your iPhone contacts. You don't need to jailbreak your iPhone! (It also works with jailbroken iPhones. Supports Windows 7 and higher, including Windows 10 or 11. Compatible with backups of iOS 4 through iOS 15, iOS 13, iOS 12, iOS 11, iOS 10, iOS 9 and iOS 9, iOS 8, iOS 7, iOS 6 or iOS 4. Software can be installed on unlimited computers and read unlimited backups. Two activations are included with every purchase.
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    Vonage Voicemail Plus Reviews

    Vonage Voicemail Plus

    Vonage for Home

    $9.99 per month
    Vonage Voicemail Plus allows you to check your messages from anywhere. You can listen to your voicemail on any phone or from your Vonage online account. Voicemail Plus can deliver voicemails in an audio format to your e mail inbox. Vonage Visual Voicemail® is another option. This allows you to receive voicemails in transcribed English and Spanish for up to one minute via e-mail, text message, or SMS (message rates and data rates may apply). You can listen to voicemail messages on any phone or from your Vonage online account. Vonage servers store your Voicemails, which you can access from any internet connection. You can also have your Voicemails sent directly to an email account, and you can save them on your device. You can send transcriptions of your Voicemails to your email or text to you. This can be done in your online account.
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    Frontier Voicemail Viewer Reviews

    Frontier Voicemail Viewer

    Frontier Communications

    Frontier Voicemail Viewer offers unified messaging services via a mobile platform. You have many options when it comes to using voicemail. Frontier Voice and Frontier Business Voice allow you to control how calls are handled. You can receive voicemail alerts and playback voicemail messages. You can also view faxes and forward a message to an e-mail. Your Frontier®, voicemail service allows you to manage your calls and messages. You can listen to your messages from anywhere. You can update your greetings as often as you want, save messages indefinitely, as well as access them from any device. You can access your voicemail from your smartphone or computer. Logging in to your Frontier account or using the app will allow you to access your voicemail. Customers of Unified Messaging can access their voicemail online through the web portal. Depending on your voice plan, the size of your mailbox and the retention of messages will vary. If you wish to keep messages indefinitely, save them to your computer.
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    Hi Voicemail Reviews

    Hi Voicemail


    Top salespeople trust us to manage their voicemails. Stop wasting your time with junk messages and unwanted messages. Transform voicemails into text with magic. You can get the gist of it all without having to listen. Stop spamming your inbox with robocalls. You can instantly read your voicemail, change greetings and listen to multiple greetings. Forward to email, delegate to your team and unlimited cloud storage. Spam blocking isn't perfect, so we don't destroy your data. All blocked voicemails can be accessed right from the app. Contribute back to the community by adding callers to your own whitelist/blocklists. Create custom voicemail greetings and listen to your voicemail. Unanswered, busy, and out-of-range calls will be charged at your mobile carrier's calling rate or your bundled minutes. You can activate greetings using locations and forward voicemails directly to email automatically.
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    Prison Voicemail Reviews

    Prison Voicemail

    Prison Voicemail

    $5.68 per month
    Prison Voicemail is an award-winning social enterprise that aims to improve family contact for prisoners. You can stay in touch with your loved ones even if you are far away. Save your phone credit by swapping regular voicemails. 96% of prisoners feel voicemails make their lives better. You can call your Prison Voicemail number anytime from your mobile phone and leave a message. The message will be instantly available at the other end. They can simply dial their Prison Voicemail number using any prison phone. They pay the same as a normal landline phone call for the call. After listening, they will leave a reply or call you directly. You will be notified via your app.
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    Spark Voicemail Reviews
    Spark Voicemail revolutionizes voicemail. It makes it easy to retrieve voicemails and respond to them. Spark Pay Monthly mobile subscribers can download and use the Spark Voicemail application for free as part their Spark Pay Monthly plan. Spark Prepay customers must activate the 'Voicemail Unlimited’ extra for $1 per four weeks. This allows unlimited Voicemail and App use. You can also send voicemails to your assistant to increase your responsiveness. You can filter calls from personal contacts. Spark Voicemail's built-in transcription service makes voicemails searchable by making them easily searchable. Spark Voicemail allows you to easily record a new one. You can change it each season or when you're on holiday.
  • 15
    Epic Voicemails Reviews

    Epic Voicemails

    Epic Voicemails

    Epic Voicemails offers personalized Voice Greetings that are based on your first name. Are you waiting for a call from the job interview and need professional sounding messages? Are you the CEO or president of a Fortune 500 company? A hero in action, waiting for a helicopter. Shopping spree with celebrities A doctor in the operating table? Perhaps saving the galaxy from alien invaders. There are millions of combinations available, so there is something for everyone. Simply enter your name, choose a message category, and then select how you would like people to contact.
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    World Voicemail Reviews
    World Voicemail revolutionizes the voicemail experience. It makes it easy to retrieve and respond. You can view automatic transcripts of voicemails. You don't even have to log in to the App to view your voicemail. Get rid of spam voicemails by cutting through the noise. Move a voicemail to the Spam folder, or mark the caller as spammer. Artificial intelligence can also detect and notify you about suspected spam. Navigating voicemails via the App is as simple as scrolling and tapping. Voicemails can also be saved in threads that are sorted by sender. You can also send voicemails to your assistant to increase your responsiveness. You can filter calls from personal contacts.
  • 17
    Voicemail Saver Reviews

    Voicemail Saver

    Voicemail Saver

    $3.99 one-time payment
    Voicemail Saver is a tool that works with Android's Visual Voicemail to allow you to save voicemails privately. You will need to call your service if you don't have visual voicemail. Now you can record using our voice recorder. You can now call your service on speaker phone or without speakerphone on (try both to get the best sound quality), and listen to your voicemail before you hang up. A pop-up window will appear after you hang up. This will allow you to name the voicemail. After clicking OK, your voicemail will be saved to the Voicemailsaver. You can always download the Voicemail Saver to your new device, sign in with your email address, and then voila! Your voicemails will be there!
  • 18
    HulloMail Reviews



    $2.99 per month
    Visual Voicemail does exactly as it says on its tin. Visual Voicemail allows users to see who left messages and can then play or read the voicemail in any order. You can choose what messages you want to read, listen to, and save. Then, you can easily call or text people back. It is the fastest way for you to get through voice messages. Visual voicemail without the smartphone would have been impossible. It is safe to say visual voicemail owes much of its success to the smartphone. AT&T and Apple's iPhone were the first mobile operators and smartphones to offer visual voicemail. It is important that you have visual voicemail enabled on your mobile operator. Not all mobile operators do. Thumbtel's call blocking technology is simple to use and can be used to block spam calls. The technology has stopped more than 1 billion robocalls so far and is now available in Hullomail Voicemail.
  • 19
    LetsDial Reviews
    LetsDial offers a comprehensive virtual telephone solution that enhances business communication with a number of advanced features. It provides virtual phone numbers that can be local, toll free, or international, allowing businesses to establish a professional image in different regions. Call forwarding, voicemail to email, call recording and customizable voice menus are all key features that streamline communication workflows. LetsDial also facilitates international calls, allowing businesses and clients to communicate seamlessly. The platform is available on multiple devices, including smartphones, tablets and computers. Users can manage their calls from anywhere. LetsDial uses encryption protocols to protect communication information. This makes it a reliable option for businesses looking for flexible and scalable communication.
  • 20
    AT&T Voicemail Viewer Reviews
    This app is only for AT&T voicemail on landlines. It does not work with mobile phones. Before downloading this app, make sure you have your AT&T office or home voicemail PIN. The AT&T Voicemail Viewer app allows you to easily keep track of voicemails and Unified Messaging messages from your Android phone. Voicemail Viewer allows you to view your messages and choose the order you want to listen to them. Voicemail Viewer may have a voicemail to text feature (VMTT), which allows you to automatically transcribe your voicemail. Voicemail Viewer includes VMTT for traditional phone service with Voicemail and Unified Messaging. Voicemail Viewer does not include VMTT for traditional phone service with Voicemail and Unified Messaging.
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