Install-free PDF editing, form filling, redaction, signing, viewing, and more on your website with RAD PDF!
Packaged as an easy to use library / WebControl (compatible with .NET 3.5+, .NET Core, and .NET 5+), RAD PDF can be used with just about any flavor of ASP.NET including MVC, Razor, Blazor, WebForms, and more.
RAD PDF is compatible with 99% of internet browsers, including those on Linux, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, and mobile. No plugins. No Adobe Reader. RAD PDF is more than a PDF to HTML converter. It natively supports all the most common PDF features including annotations, bookmarks, form fields, page labels, and more.
With advanced PDF options, RAD PDF allows you to selectively enable and disable features not available with Adobe Acrobat Reader, like protecting a PDF from being downloaded while still viewable online.
RAD PDF users can use PDF form fields directly from the web browser by enabling PDF form filling and PDF form saving without having to install any software.
Integrating directly with ASP.NET, RAD PDF allows your web application to capture input data, build custom workflows, and provide an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) for just about any online PDF interaction imaginable!