You can quickly find the right caregiver for your client! Our database matches caregivers to clients based on skills, availability, and location. You can monitor your leads and refer sources with a full history of your activities. Your website can be linked to AdaCare's databases. Keep track of all your staff members, including their names, addresses, phone numbers and available hours, CEUs, expirations, and phone numbers. Our "instant timecard", which replaces paperwork and sends out alerts if caregivers get late, is called the "instant timecard". You get better documentation with less work. To view their calendars, maps, and schedules, caregivers can log in. Your caregivers and office staff can benefit from this service. For easier billing and payroll, you can print and export hours and miles. You can also access reports and charts to help you manage your business. You can work anywhere you like, whether it's at home, in the office, or out in the field. It's secure and reliable. Your caregivers can log into their computer from home to print their own schedules or maps.