Data Migration Manager (DMM) for OutSystems automates data & BPT migration, export, import, data deletion or scramble/anonymization between all OutSystems environments (Cloud, Onprem, PaaS, Hybrid, mySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, Azure SQL, Java or .NET) and versions (8, 9, 10 or 11).
Only solution with a FREE download from OS FORGE
Did you...
You need to upgrade servers and migrate apps, but now you must migrate the data & light BPT or BPT?
To populate lookup data, you will need to migrate data from the Qual to Prod Environment.
You need to move from Prod to Quali to replicate problems or get a good QA environment to test.
Do you need to back up data to be able later to restore a demo environment?
Do you need to import data from other systems into OutSystems?
Do you need to validate performance?
What is Infosistema DMM?
Reduce costs, reduce risks, and increase time-to market
DMM is the fastest way to solve a problem!