Acctivate Inventory Software is designed for QuickBooks® and offers powerful tools to help SMB distributors, manufacturers, and online retailers manage their inventory, purchasing, multi-channel sales, order fulfillment, decision-making, and overall operations more efficiently.
Acctivate works seamlessly with QuickBooks, allowing businesses to grow while keeping QuickBooks for financials. Acctivate is the central system that connects all operations, providing a unified experience.
With Acctivate, businesses can track unlimited products in real-time, at any location, and across all sales channels (i.e., in-store, over the phone, eCommerce, and EDI). With such control, businesses keep customers happy by maintaining accurate inventory levels and delivering orders on-time.
Regardless of where a business is coming from, whether it is using pen and paper, spreadsheets, an outdated system, an expensive ERP, or simply QuickBooks, Acctivate can add operational efficiencies that help businesses become more productive, successful, and profitable.