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Guess the Dictator or Sit-Com Character

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  • it guessed joe from talk radio. It was taking quite a while and I started to wonder when it would give up -- but then suddenly it was on the right track. Apparently 262 people ahead of me had the same idea. I'm not sure who to try next.
  • It figured out Uncle Jessie from Dukes of Hazzard. It took awhile, but once it asked "Do you have a hot niece?" I knew it had me dead to rights...
  • It did eventually guess him. Pretty amazing. I think perhaps it allows for a few wrong clues even, since the two different characters I tried I didn't have a damn clue about some of the questions.
  • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
    It guessed Les Nessman from WKRP too, damn. Must think up obscure series that I know anything about......
  • It even got "Uncle Enzo" - the barber from Seinfeld whose nephew Gino was obsessed with Edward Scissorhands. I was only the 5th person who tried Enzo.
  • I wonder if it is hitting FARK or something like that. Starting to get slow and timeouts.

    Anyway, it got GWB. It got Hawkeye Pierce. But I stumped it with Lindsay Bluth Fünke.
  • by elmegil ( 12001 )
    I racked my brains for someone really obscure and came up with Mrs. Livingston from The Courtship of Eddie's Father (1969 sitcom), and 864 people came up with her before me. And of course it got it right.
    • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
      Woohoo it didn't know Quinn Mallory from Sliders. I wonder if it knows any of the Red Dwarf characters (if I had watched enough episodes I would try one of them). This is a pretty amusing website, but then again I am easily amused....
  • ....but that site is getting slammed right now, I'll report back later. Nice call trying Vicki, LOL
  • It knew Punky Brewster. It didn't know Larry from Three's Company. It knew Webster. Missed Edith from All in the Family. Take a look at the 'most wanted' page. When I first checked earlier, I think GWB was only a couple thousand. He's now up to 70,000
  • I correctly figured out Pol Pot from Cambodia, of which 190 or so people previously picked.

1 Angstrom: measure of computer anxiety = 1000 nail-bytes
