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Journal DesScorp's Journal: Ancient City uncovered in wake of Tsunami 4

The AP is reporting that in the wake of the killer Tsunami that struck on December 26, the remains of an ancient city have been uncovered in India. The city dates from the 7th century, and some features indicate that the city may have been at one time part of India's legendary Seven Pagodas.

Now, to me, this is just Indiana Jones-style utter coolness. Not to the Slashdot editors, however. What seems to me to be an absolutely historic find, with the discovery a story unto itself worthy of an Arthur Clarke or Michael Chrichton novel, was almost immidietly rejected upon submission. Either the editors are not as interesting as I thought they were, or they just know about and plain don't like me :P

Seriously, though....when I see this stuff rejected for "Bummer, Knights of the old republic was released too soon", I'm terribly tempted to go off and start my own Quixiotic quest for a slashdot replacement (no doubt the folks on my Freaks list would love to see my departure, however).

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Ancient City uncovered in wake of Tsunami

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