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Journal aridhol's Journal: The morning after 5

I made up my mind to tell my roommate. Dammit, something is gonna happen on my terms.

Went to the meal hall for breakfast this morning. The dining area was empty except for him. Take deep breath, brace myself, walk in.

Before I get a chance to say much more than "Hi", he tells me that he knows. He spent last night trying to think of a way to tell her he's not interested, without fucking up a group of friends.

I'll probably still see a fair bit of her. Small-circle-of-friends and all that bullshit.

I'll say this in her favour. She (a) was up front about being interested in someone else and (b) waited less than a week, rather than waiting 10 years.

Going to school in about 20 minutes. Probably gonna go drown my sorrows at a local Irish pub tonight. Good live music, good beer, and cute waitresses.

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The morning after

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  • It looks like everyone has been honest and adult-like and hopefully, you can all remain friends and laugh about all of this some day in the future.
  • There is something to be said for honesty. I would have appreciated it at several points. If you don't get it, you're left wondering if what you thought was happening was real or not. But that's not much comfort, really. Sounds like your roommate is a decent guy, at least.
  • She was honest, which is good. She didn't string you along for a long time, which is good. But once he tells her he's not interested, how is she going to react?
  • 6 parts Guinness [] and 1 part "hit on" the hottie waitress to cure all your ills.


We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids? -- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission
