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Journal karniv0re's Journal: Grades, St. Paul Problems, and Dannebrog Issues

B. That beautiful little letter. The prelude of my name, the second letter of the alphabet... B. It's not number one, but it'll do. Especially for a grade in trig. Rock!!!

On to St. Paul. They needed to swap a SnapGear box in. Done, I thought. Not a problem. Well, there were some odd problems. First off, it was only assigning DHCP addys to one PC. The others got Windows addresses assigned 169.something.something.something ( Not sure about this. Soooo... I gave each of the PCs static IPs with the internal address of through 104. x.x.x.100 was the one that got assigned automatically, so I left it alone. Hopefully they won't have to make too many changes to the network.

Dannebrog however, was already setup, but they were complaining about it working slowly and all that other shit. They said that Hamilton new the problem. Apparently they said it "didn't have the capacity..." Whatever. I looked and three computers were plugged in directly, one was going in through a hub and into the SnapGear. I didn't want to fuck with it until I got further info.

That's it. Merry fucking Christmas, I'm not special.

You will lose an important disk file.
