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Journal Howzer's Journal: Radiation on Mars Missions

It seems like every time there's a story on space, someone posts "The Radiation! The Radiation!"

Not surprisingly, it came up again in this series of posts. Of course, as I try to point out, it's not the mission-stopper that some think it is.

There's so much research out there about this! Even NASA - sensibly conservative and hunting for a "mission" for the ISS ("Seeing what radiation in space does" as if we don't know from 30+ years of space flight) - isn't as strident as some people who should search before they post.

Update: Wow! This came around again, this time with the New York Times publishing a big article on it. Of course, as pointed out immediately everywhere that has a clue, they were wrong too! Check it out!

Update: Like a bad seafood meal, the "radiation" meme came up again, in another /. discussion on Mars suits.

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