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Journal js7a's Journal: Does Iran already have nukes? 9

Given what we've learned about A.Q. Khan's operation, what are the chances that Iran doesn't already have at least 10 atomic bombs?
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Does Iran already have nukes?

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  • While I think both India and Pakistan's announcements that they'd both developed nukes caught US "intelligence" by surprise, I also think that, with Pakistan, the US sort of let a lot of things slide since they were considered such an important ally. It's a similar story with the Taliban, which was basically a Pakistani client: the US let Pakistani intelligence back the Taliban and all the jihadi groups until--oops!--they realized that these forces were being used to set up attacks on the US. My guess is th
    • Bill Mueller has admitted that the FBI has less than 100 Farsi translators, and essentally that their Farsi translators were compromised internally, as reported by Siebel Edwards.

      What makes you think that if Libya could obtain what they did from A.Q. Kahn and his ilk, that Iraq couldn't build it all internally over the past dozen years that the U.S. has been focused on Iraq?

  • Colin Powell has one last go [] at convincing the world once again that somebody has WMD on extremely flimsy evidence. You would think that at least they would have the sense not to use the guy who got caught blatantly lying about it last time. But then again, it worked before, why not give it another try?
    • Rice should be a lot less forthright, "Bin Laden Determined to Strke in the U.S." being a historical document and not a warning. But then again, Powell is still probably conflicted over Vietnam. So we got something worse. Let's hope they give the pendulum a hard enough push so it swings back to Kucinich's territory, or at least Dean's.

A holding company is a thing where you hand an accomplice the goods while the policeman searches you.
