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Journal freejung's Journal: Body Language 14

The importance of body language cannot be overemphasized.

Consider, for instance, that according to the pre-arranged rules of debate, the networks were not supposed to show the candidates while the other was talking. This was obviously a concession to the Republicans, since it would protect Bush from his own subconscious mind, which must be trying to murder him in his sleep at this point.

The networks disregarded this rule, and this clearly was a huge coup for Kerry. While Bush talked, Kerry looked bright and engaged, listening attentively and taking notes. His body language said he was comfortable, in his element, present and paying attention, in command of the situation and of himself.

While Kerry talked, Bush grimaced and looked shifty, or stared into space vacantly. His body language said he didn't want to be there, he was uncomfortable, he was unsure of himself and having trouble remembering what to say. He looked like a deer in the headlights. God only knows what horrible punishment his handlers visited on him for this failure, but he clearly saw it coming and dreaded it. He certainly didn't look like a man in control of his emotions or the situation around him.

This breach of protocol by the networks may very well have decided the debate definitively in Kerry's favor. A lot of people were watching, I think, not so much to see where the candidates stood on the issues, but to see how well they handled themselves under pressure. I watched it at my health club since we don't have a TV, and I was sitting next to a middle-aged woman who kept talking about the differences in body language. She was very sensitive to it, she kept saying, "look at Bush's expression, look at him squirm. He doesn't want to be there." Stuff like that. I think a lot of voters will be swayed by that sort of thing.

It's easy to lie with words, but it takes real skill to keep your body from giving you away.

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Body Language

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  • by ces ( 119879 )
    Consider, for instance, that according to the pre-arranged rules of debate, the networks were not supposed to show the candidates while the other was talking. This was obviously a concession to the Republicans, since it would protect Bush from his own subconscious mind, which must be trying to murder him in his sleep at this point.

    The networks never signed the agreement and therefore didn't consider themselves bound by these rules.

    Of course I've seen some Bush supporters claim last night and today that t
    • They'll call him a coward, that would be worse than debating and losing, even horribly, no matter what excuse he uses.

      I agree that seeing the reactions is important, as I think body language says more in many ways than the actual words.

      • The problem for Bush is I don't see how he is going to survive a town-hall format particularly after Thursday night's performance. I predict a full blown meltdown.

        He's out campaigning instead of spending the next week practicing for the second debate.

        Oh boy! This is a howler. I just heard on the radio Bush accusing Kerry of "proposing new government programs without a way to pay for them". So what about all of *your* new programs and tax cuts Mr. President? Perhaps we won't need to wait for the next debat
        • "proposing new government programs without a way to pay for them"

          That's typical strategy. If you know your opponent is going to accuse you of something, accuse him of it first. That way nobody knows who to believe.

          • That's typical strategy. If you know your opponent is going to accuse you of something, accuse him of it first. That way nobody knows who to believe.

            Even more to the point that is a typical Bush/Rove strategy along with attacking your opponent's strengths.

            I'm just hoping that it starts backfiring on them especially as they seem to be making even more ridiculious claims these days.
    • (I don't think they are as worried about the Cheney/Edwards debate on Tuesday since Cheney handles these sorts of situations better than Bush)

      I think it's pretty obvious as to why. Cheney is a career politician. Bush just sort of got into it after a brief and unremarkable time as governor of Texas. He did catch Ann Richards napping on the debate (she certainly "misunderestimated" him), but other than that, he doesn't have the same kind of polish as career politicians do.

      Some might argue (spin?) that tha

      • I think it's pretty obvious as to why. Cheney is a career politician. Bush just sort of got into it after a brief and unremarkable time as governor of Texas. He did catch Ann Richards napping on the debate (she certainly "misunderestimated" him), but other than that, he doesn't have the same kind of polish as career politicians do.

        The other thing is Bush has gotten progressively worse at debates. I saw some clips of him debating Richards and he was doing a pretty good job. He also did better in the 2000 d
  • Bush spent the day of the debate touring hurricane devasted areas of florida. That has GOT to be taxing to see the destruction and the grief of the families, etc.

    Kerry, on the other, spent the day getting a pedicure.

    Don't rely on body language in this case, since Bush tired himself out before hand by being out there amongst the people.
    • I have a bit of trouble believing that; I'm sure a multimillionaire can afford stylists that can work a little bit quicker than 48 minutes/toenail (assuming it was an eight hour day he spent receiving said pedicure).

      Gee, wonder who eglamkowski's voting for this year.
      • Actually, I'm going to decline voting for presidential electors this year. (What, don't tell me you thought you voted for the president directly!).

        My state is going to Bush regardless, and I'm not keen on either candidate. Sure, I have a slight preference for Bush over Kerry, but they both suck and I will not participate in the farce that is commonly referred to as choosing "the lesser of two evils".

        Surely our country can produce better candidates than these two? It's really quite disgraceful...

        I'd en
        • Surely our country can produce better candidates than these two?

          Oh, we probably could, but then they might actually try to run the country.

  • Now that the Monday Polls are in, which show the post debate jump, Bush only gained 5 EVs- Kerry still has 53 to gain if he's going to beat Bush.

Reality must take precedence over public relations, for Mother Nature cannot be fooled. -- R.P. Feynman
