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Journal Jaguar777's Journal: Michael strikes again 4

Your Rights Online: Is IP Property?
Posted by michael on 11:10 09 September 2004
from the bundle-of-sticks dept.

Lemley's distinction also points to the unusual fact that in IP, traditional liberals are often calling for less and less government, while conservatives demand regulation in order to protect their exclusive right to use their intellectual creations
Did Michael just call conservatives faggots?!?

n. Offensive Slang
      1. Used as a disparaging term for a homosexual man.

fagot also faggot
      1. A bundle of twigs, sticks, or branches bound together.
      2. A bundle of pieces of iron or steel to be welded or hammered into bars.

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Michael strikes again

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  • Why only the conservatives? Please explain.
    • First off. I don't think michael should be calling anyone a "bundle of sticks". No matter which way their ideology leans.

      Only two groups of people were talked about in that submission. I assumed he was talking about conservatives based on his past performances on slashdot. He makes no attempt to mask his liberal bent, and I can't see him calling his own group faggots.

      I didn't know if anyone would catch the "bundle-of-sticks" reference so I thought I would point it out to make it clear.
      • Interesting.

        I would never have caught the 'bundle-of-sticks' reference; had I seen it, I would probably have assumed that it was slashdotese for 'pot-meet-kettle'.

        Any which way, I agree that it is a gratuious categorization ... irrespective of whom it refers to.
        • I would never have caught the 'bundle-of-sticks' reference; had I seen it, I would probably have assumed that it was slashdotese for 'pot-meet-kettle'.

          The only reason I knew was because I remember reading Ralph Waldo Emerson in high school. I was reading and came across a sentence about him "burning a faggot". This caused me to look it up in the dictionary to see what the true meaning of the word was.

The best laid plans of mice and men are held up in the legal department.
