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Journal Trolling4Dollars's Journal: WHAT IS GOING ON SLASHDORKS???! 7

I tried to change my IP to one that hasn't been used where I work. I'm STILL banned! Either they banned the entire range, or just my User ID. But... I thought they didn't ban User IDs. And as far as banning ranges, I didn't say ANYTHING that deserved that kind of treatment. Maybe my acjoling Pudge or making fun of some of the other Slashdorks did it? Something is up and I think if I'm not unbanned in about a week, the time will come to send a nastygram off to pater@slashdor^h^h^h dot.org to try and rectify the situation. If they don't like my posts. They should just disable my account entirely.

Heheheh... this is fun. :)

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  • You are so harmless, really. No offence!

    Finding your stuff lightens my day, a bit.

  • by nizo ( 81281 )
    I haven't figured this out either. If I didn't want to read your posts, I make you an enemy and set my options to -6 all my foe's posts. Unless you are abusing things, why the ban? Then again if you don't have a well worded abuse policy and/or the powers that be don't follow that policy, that tends to make things pretty lame in general.
    • I am starting to think I annoyed the wrong people. Like the_mad_poster I had a bit of a field day as an AC with Pudge and Michael Sims recently.
  • If you're getting upset about a web site, you're on it too much. And this is at least the fourth journal entry on the topic. I mean your journal was interesting till the last few...

    No offense meant.

    • No offense taken. I just like to put sticks in hornet's nests sometimes to see if I can outrun them. I'm actually not stressed out about the ban at all. I just think the bans are unfair in the way they are implemented. Think of this as being similar to Martin Luther nailing his complaints to the door of the church. :)

If a thing's worth having, it's worth cheating for. -- W.C. Fields
