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Journal default luser's Journal: Touch Typing

What is it with the entire geek culture and touch typing? It seems these days that if you don't have at least 8 fingers on the keyboard, and a whopping speed of 60+ wpm as a minimum, you automatically do not qualify as a geek. I mean, people toss out bonus geek points if you know how to switch between QWERTY and Dvorak on the fly.

What are we, geeks, or one giant clique centered on convincing everyone else that they are worthless unless they type with one standard posture and position?

This is sickening, really. I have never learned how to type "properly." That is to say, I HAVE taken classes and even tried a couple typing tutors, but the end result has been unchanged. I still to this day type everything with two fingers.

Now, you might say, how do I get anything done with that horrible interface? You have to realize that people, even untrained, can make their bodies do exceptional things. For those of you who gaze in awe of a man who can pump out 120 wpm with his hands in perfect touch-typing position, I offer you an alternative tidbit of amazement:

I have typed this entire post to this point with my two little fingers in under 3.5 minutes.

END TEST. Three errors corrected (~99% accuracy).

Who says that there is only one "right" way to do a task?

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Touch Typing

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