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Journal CmdrTaco's Journal: LinuxWorld, Camping, Sections 4

Next week is LinuxWorld. I'm only going to be there for 2 days, so I'm kinda looking forward to it... well, not the flight part, but seeing some folks. I haven't been to San Francisco in quite some time anyway. Strangely I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing there. I'm told I have to meet with people, but I haven't seen an itinerary or anything, so I guess I'll just wing it.

A bunch of folks went camping up north for Scott's Bachelor party. This was the first time I've been really in "Nature" in years. Sleeping on the ground and stuff. It was actually surprisingly nice. It always surprises me when something that I didn't enjoy as a child turns around and seems a lot nicer as I get older. I think a lot of it was that "Camping" for me as a child was basically a parking lot with a designated square lot. You couldn't be loud because the people in the tent 15 feet on either side of you would hear. It's a lot different to actually have several acres of trees on all sides of you. Makes me want to try to find some land somewhere. I think I'd like to camp a bit, but finding a place that isn't a camping parking lot seems a bit difficult. A nice chunk of land would be swell to just sit on... maybe someday build a house there. Although I can't imagine a universe where I could get internet access in any place that secluded... and I'm not going back to satellite internet ;)

With the completion of the new Section/Topic code, we can finally create a few sections on Slashdot that we've been wanting to do for a long time. The first 2 are live already... the and sections. Both are obviously subject areas that Slashdot covers extensively. The creation of the sections allows us to post additional content that might otherwise be rejected. I'm very picky about what gets posted to the mainpage because not every Slashdot reader is interested in the same level of detail about any given subject matter... but the sections give us the ability to post stuff in a place where we know it will be read only by the people who are interested in that extra content. We've got at least one more section coming up.. the 'Entertainment' section which will be for TV & Movies and such. We already post a lot of stories in those sections, so this will let us group them together.

The last section is still up for debate... We've long considered '' with all its pros and cons. I think we're going to do it. As the presidential election gets closer, we would have at least some coverage of major political events. These stories would rarely make it to the Slashdot main page, but we have a lot of people who want to see Slashdot discussion on the major political events. Right now, those discussions happen in related stories... a conservative/liberal debate in a YRO story is very common place. We think it would be fun to run the section for a few months leading up to the election just to see if it's the sort of thing people would like. If it's successful, we'll keep it around. If not, it still provides us with a sort of blueprint for creating sections in Slashdot for specific events that come and go over time...

This discussion was created by CmdrTaco (1) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

LinuxWorld, Camping, Sections

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  • I was laughing yesterday about the "Don't Fear The Penguins" subtitle on -- strains of Blue Oyster Cult starting floating through as well. And then the cowbell came in, but we'll leave that alone for now. :)
  • why the heck not? Make sure to make it a really garish, saturated red, white, and blue, to keep with the Games and IT tradition, and also piss off the Canadians. (Anyway Canadians could always read every article on and get it all iin red and white.)
  • Want to go camping, but not in a parking lot? Go backpacking. Take everything you need with you and you can get a couple miles from the nearest dirt road and camp out by a lake or stream. Good stuff.

  • I agree with the comment suggesting backpacking.

    I have been backpacking for over 15 years now, and "camping" has a complete other meaning for me.

    There is nothing more enjoyable than getting up in the morning, cooking a good meal, packing your entire campsite onto your back (including the trash), leaving the site better than you found it (such that someone a few days later would never know you were there), moving yourself and your gear under your own power, and then setting up camp somewhere else that nigh

Nothing makes a person more productive than the last minute.
