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Journal tacarat's Journal: Military stuff on P2P

Rejected :(
ZDNet has an article regarding the website This website was set up to illustrate some of the things that are (hopefully) being unintentionally shared on P2P networks. It posts censored shots of sensitive documents originating from military and goverment sources that were readily available for download. The site owner claims to have even downloaded military material rated SECRET/NOFORN from Gnutella.
While a good eye opener, especially in the cases of the goverment and military documents, the site doesn't address the two root problems: 1) privileged people taking protected information outside of secure enviroments, and 2)home computer users not knowing how to keep their systems marginally secure (i.e. don't share out your entire harddrive). If nothing else, I do appreciate that they're bringing this problem out in the open, and not allowing decision makers the normal luxery of ignoring or covering up security screw-ups.

For the /. military folks, can I get a hearty RTFR(read the F*****g Reg)?

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