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Journal Sloppy's Journal: We Won! 6

Edwards and Bush both have their speeches today shown Lehrer's Newshour, and they're saying some of the same things. For example, they're both going to help the economy by creating jobs. Here I thought these people were running for President of USA, but apparently the candidates think they're running for chairman of the Central Committee for Economic Planning.

But we really did win the cold war. You see, it's a four year plan, not a five year plan. Those darn Soviets were so arrogant, thinking they could see that many years into the future.

(Hey, I know I'm beating a long dead horse here. But I still wanted to blow off some steam about it. I think one of the things that pissed me off, is that the Newshour's own reporters was calling the people who want to pass that marriage amendment, "conservatives." A lot of people really see it that way, don't they? Wow.)

Oh well, happy Bastille Day.

This discussion was created by Sloppy (14984) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

We Won!

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  • by Dwonis ( 52652 ) *
    What are you talking about?
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Stripping away the hyperbole, the core of my rant is that today's so-called "right wing"'s major disagreement with their opponents, is how government should micromanage peoples' lives, rather than if it should. The very idea that any aspect of society might be beyond purview of government, has been lost. The attitude of the two major parties is that given any perceived problem, government can (and should) deal with it.

      That displeases me.

      What I didn't say, is that I am skeptical that the fraction of US

      • Thanks.

        Speaking of which, I wonder if it's a classic case of design-by-committee that causes this...

  • "Getting inside thier decison cycle"
  • I agree with you about the sublety of the differences between the actions of "right" wing and "left" wing in bipartidist countries. Here in Spain, we are *a little* better than over there, as we still have some other parties other than the Two Big Ones, and the Little Ones do really have power to influence the Government's decisions. Bipartidism is a sad corruption of Democracy, IMHO.

    However, I don't think authoritarism has anything to do with left or right. Look at Hitler or Pinochet (or Franco, again in

2.4 statute miles of surgical tubing at Yale U. = 1 I.V.League
