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Journal gbulmash's Journal: Lawn Ornamentation Gone Wrong 8

Doubt this page will get slashdotted, since it'll just be linked in my journal, but I had to put it up...

There is this house down the street that has an infestation of lawn statues, plastic plants, and other atrocities. My wife and I have been telling people about it, but we finally had to show them...

Click here to see the photos.

- Greg

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Lawn Ornamentation Gone Wrong

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  • What a tacky ADT sign!

    Other than that, *I* think it looks pretty :)

    *waters his chia-pet*
    *waxes his hearsemobile*
    *whimpers sadistically... wait... um... *
  • Definately someone who has no taste to speak of, it's a mish-mash of kitsch. The first thing I noticed was that they haven't done anything to disguise that sewer grate, not even a bit of paint and a few stencilled on flowers. Second thing was the relative flimsiness of everything (but the fountain) and why some drunk guy with a large truck hasn't yet gotten the inebriated thought of doing donuts on the decorations. That is all.

    Jonah Hex
  • by gmhowell ( 26755 )
    And my blog.

    ( Or is it
  • That one should be written up in Gardens Illustrated just to see the readership's heads explode.

    Funny thing is, it reminds me very much of a house my wife and I drive by on the way to her family's house (we go there about once a month or two). The place was being renovated, and as the renovation progressed, we thought, hey, the place is turning out really nice -- half-timber German farmhouse with all the trimmings.

    Then they started on the garden.

    It now looks almost exactly like those photos -- in fact

  • It must be a pain to cut the grass!
  • damn, you should see MY next door neighbors! UGH!

    They have precious moments statuettes on the lawn (of boys in graduation caps, curiously enough), they cut down the tree in their front yard (which provided great shade for the house in the summer, reducing electricity bills. You could argue that this also cuts down on the raking in the autmn, but MY tree more than covers their yard; we are talking about town houses!) left a stump, put WILD grass around the stump, and them A SHINING SILVER BALL ON TOP OF TH
  • I have a neighbor that put an anonymous note in my
    mail box stating:

    "In this neighborhood we mow our lawns."

    I have left a portion of my lawn unmowed for several years in his honor.
  • Two cheezy plastic swans: $9.96
    Your toddler's plastic pinwheel: $1.98
    Sewer hole cover to make the picture perfect: Priceless.


People who go to conferences are the ones who shouldn't.
