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Journal Neop2Lemus's Journal: College Graduation 2

Graduation ceremony today for three years of Mechanical Engineering at college. Only about 1/4 of the class turnt up though which was a disappointment - all the guys that counted did though (friends).

When I arrived at 9:00 am I hadn't had any breakfast so got directions to the Mississaugua City Hall cafeteria (11th floor, beau view, and really well priced), and came back with an omlette breakfast. Watching me eating in the convention centre, this for some reason amused one of my classmates. "You're just as crazy as you always have been" he said, I think as a compliment.

Talking to my mom after the ceremony and she said that there was a really noisy group of guys and they weren't able to determine who they were. It was us and often lead by me. We cat-called and chanted the teachers names when they walked onstage and chatted all the way through the duller parts of the event. Everyone else in the hall was boring and well behaved for such an exciting occasion.

I kinda got the impression that many people didn't take the event seriously as of those who did come out (out of that day's programs), two of the guys wore shorts casuals and another had a suit and white running shoes. The first shorts and gown guy got a "Nice Legs!" shout from me as he passed in front of us onstage. I know he heard, I know the near audience did as well. All in good fun.

When onstage I shook the hands I had to, tucked my diploma under my arm, turnt to face the crowd and gave Churchill's 'V' sign on both upraised arms. Nervous? I think not, have all the fun you can.

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College Graduation

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Heard that the next Space Shuttle is supposed to carry several Guernsey cows? It's gonna be the herd shot 'round the world.
