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Journal jcuervo's Journal: Friends and foes

I hadn't checked my friends/foes thing for a while. Last time, someone added me to their friends completely at random. (Or maybe I actually posted sober one day or something.)

So I get the urge to check just now, and some other random person is now one of my freaks.

Just out of curiousity, not like I'm going to lose sleep over it or anything, I check his user journal. Excerpt from his journal:

Then one day I decided to get proactive [Ungh. I hate that word. - Ed]. Now, I basically foe-list anyone who makes a post I feel deserves a (-1, Stupid), or a (-1, Just Sux0rs), or whatever.

Thought that was funny. This guy's going to end up with a nearly complete list of slashdot users in his foes list.

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Friends and foes

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