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Journal Apreche's Journal: Gourmet Geek Open for Business

I have finally made myself a real blog!

Here it is, Geek Gourmet

You can read all about the blog itself in the first post I made to it.

My plan for the future is to post the first one or two paragraphs of any blog entry I make that is /. related in the slashjournal. I will then link to the blog entry comments page for it in my journal. I think this is the best way to keep the foot traffic and still be able to blog in a free format.

My blog may move URLs, but that wont be for at least a year. And I just may purchase a domain and use that which would negate the problem to being with.

Here's the tech info. The computer running the blog is using gentoo-linux with gs-sources. It has a standard install of apache 2 with minor tweaks. I'm using blosxom to make the blog go and the comments plugin to make the comments go. I wrote all the XHTML1.0 compliantness by hand. I also used some CSS. This page will look terrible in IE, I'm warning you now. I purposefully made a page that was standards compliant in order to show any of you still using IE people just how poop you are. Use Firefox, it's objectively superior in all ways.

I'm also going to take advantage of the freedom of the freeform blog to post audio, video and pictures. That was really the reason I'm turning the /journal into a bunch of pointers.

I guess that's about it. You can continue to keep your eyes on this space for pointers to my real blog once in awhile. Or you can read my new real blog. Or you can go to my real blog, go to the bottom of any page and snatch the RSS feed. You can also just not read it at all, I don't really care. I'm just informing you of what I have decided to do. The rest is up to you.

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Gourmet Geek Open for Business

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