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Journal Michael Woodhams's Journal: Omnis tuus capsa sunt inesse nos


"All your box are belong to us." A varient on "all your base...". I've seen a version that used the Latin for "camp" for "base", but it was before I started keeping this journal.

A more exhaustive analysis:
Omnis: every, all. Probably intended as a nominative singular adjective.
tuus: your (nominative singular masculine)
capsa: bookcase or box (nominative singular feminine)
sunt: are ('to be' in 3rd person plural, present active indicitive.)
inesse: to belong (present active infinitive)
nos: to us (accusative plural.)

Presumably deliberate gramatical errors: capsa should be plural, and hence also omnis and tuus. Tuus (and omnis?) should be feminine. Sunt should be omitted completely, and inesse changed to 3rd person plural pres. act. indicitive.

However, I'm bound to have made errors, being possibly worse at Latin grammar than the original author of "All your base" was at English grammar.

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Omnis tuus capsa sunt inesse nos

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