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Journal perfessor multigeek's Journal: /. signal to noise ratio 4

Well, I just read through the first few hundred comments in the Zaurus thred from yesterday and I must say, I am impressed. Never have I seen such an appallingly complete lack of useful posts. Four screens down and not a single informative post. I think that may be a new record.

A shame since A.) the device looks to be quite interesting and perhaps even significant.
and B.) the "oh by the way" links to the plans to release more clamshell Zauri is DEFINITELY interesting.


Well, it's not like I should be spending that sort of money on a PDA any time soon anyway.

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/. signal to noise ratio

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  • Personally, I'd love a Zaurus, despite the price (just means I can't afford one now). Unfortunately, they're not exactly easy to get hold of over here, but I have seen a company here who sells them (well, modified Japanese versions... hmm). Don't know anything about the new version, I think I'd like pretty much any probably.

    Nope, I'm afraid I don't have anything informative either, which I suppose only proves you right on the SNR issue. Sorry. But I'd still like one. *shrug*

    • I'd love a Zaurus, despite the price (just means I can't afford one now).

      I waited for the SL6000 to come out and bought the SL5600, which is 290$ on Amazon (+17% VAT for me). This price I can justify. I'd really love a 640x480 screen, but 700$+17%, for an non-US student, is way too much for what is basically a luxury.

  • It's what I wanted the Newton to be.

    This one finally has everything built in except for a nice digital camera - which may be overkill but nice to have handy.

    I have been interested in these PDAs since I first saw my next door neighbor running Mac OS 7.6.1 with Photoshop 3.0 on it through Basillisk.

    I also like is iPod Emulator (plays AACs)

    And the Super Nintendo and Gameboy emulators are cool as well.

    He uses it as a VNC back to his Mac at home. Simply incredible!

    Once a nice 3.0 megapixel compact flash or
    • Personally, ain't nothin' competing with the 2000 or the eMate in my mind until they match the ergonomic advantages of those form factors. That means a 7" or larger screen, a *real* keyboard, and a truly ruggedized case (complete w/ rubber port covers). Software advances every day but hardware on the PDA front is still either pansy-ass or w-a-a-a-a-y too expensive.

      I wish I had the time to buy a couple of 850s or equivalent and cobfit them into eMate cases.

      Don't get me wrong, compared to the other PDA opt

Any circuit design must contain at least one part which is obsolete, two parts which are unobtainable, and three parts which are still under development.
