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Journal metlin's Journal: Talk about Religion on Slashdot and get modded down 5

Well, the title is quite self-explanatory.

This post was a comment on the possible consequences of an asteroid being discovered.

This is not the first time. I've noticed even before that no matter what is the topic that you talk about on Slashdot, no matter how logical it is, you put down religion and you get modded down.

The worst part is that the particular post in question was not even derogatory, it was merely an observation of how things are run in the real world when something like the end-of-the-world is proclaimed, a mere observation of eschatology.

Oh well, maybe I should make it a new sig on Slashdot - Quick way to reduce karma - oppose religion. No matter how logical, the zealots will get to you.

This discussion was created by metlin (258108) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Talk about Religion on Slashdot and get modded down

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  • Some people see "religious zealot" and think "me". Unfortunately, some folks are just so insecure in their own convictions that they'll take the most mundane statement and turn it into some sort of personal attack in their mind. Never mind that the post was written by someone who never once had any contact with them ever. Never mind there's no subject that is referencing anything in particular. Never mind those niggling "facts" and such. RELIGION! INSULT! IT MUST BE A PERSONAL ATTACK ON MY RELGION! AHA! Ta

    • :) How true!

      Unfortunately, this is supposed to be a place where the relatively smarter ones hang out. Aren't we the geeks and the smarter segment of the populace?

      If this is the reaction of a cross-section of believers from a place like this, one can only wonder how the masses would react.

      If not anything, it merely validates my point that no matter what, when religion is the topic, logic and reason takes a hike.

      Oh well
    • by FortKnox ( 169099 )
      Dude, that is the coolest sig ever! ;-)
  • You're moderated up to the limit, so the net is still anti-religion^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hopen-minded :)
    • Ofcourse! :)

      It was funny for a while though, kept going up and down. Ironically, a little while after I wrote this journal entry, it got modded all the way up ;-)

      I do understand that sometimes faith can be a powerful thing and people may feel bad (perhaps genuinely so) when someone offends their beliefs. It's just that I do not construe those particular statements to be offensive in anyway, they were merely observations and nothing more!

      Oh well! I like a particular quote of Aristotle, where he said that,

You've been Berkeley'ed!
