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Journal Apreche's Journal: blog or journal?? 4

Ok, so I tried a blog experiment once before. I used and set up a blog that all my friends would participate in. It grew old fast and died quick. Now I'm going to have some free time in the near future. In addition to reading books, watching movies and writing software I'm itching to do some web stuff again. It has been a long time since I wrote html or css, and its always fun to do, mainly because of the near instant gratification.

So I think I'll make a real blog just for me. I think I'm going to use blosxom too, because my friend told me its good and it seems to fit my style. Doing this will help me work on my web skills and apache servering skills. It will also let me create new and interesting types of content not possible previously. Maybe I can do that audioblogging I thought of before. When I get a digital camera I can possibly do some video blogs. Pictures in the middle of blog posts will definitely be a plus. Also, the look and feel will fit my personal style.

My worry though, is that the people here, who read my slashdot journal will not read my blog. I could technically make them mirror each other, but that seems semi-silly. I like having readers like you because it gives me the power to ask questions and get answers, like right now. It also lets me check and see if my line of thinking is inline with some other living person out there, and that I'm not insane.

So what do you think my journal readers? Should I go make a "real" blog, should I stick to the journal only? Should I do some combination of the two? You decide.

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blog or journal??

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  • I use my blog for random garbage, and only post to my /. journal for tech-related things once in a while.
  • if you had a blog with RSS, it would be an improvement over /.'s "post journal/send email/click link/read" method. I don't know how many others read this and use RSS readers, though.

    I would think that, if possible, some sort of cross-posting would be the best way to go. I don't actually use my journal here at all, never really had any desire too, yet I have a blog that I started long after becoming a member here. The feature set you have with your own blog isn't even in the same ballpark as a journal h
  • I'd probably only read the slash journal.. cause I'm lazy like that. But I may well not be the majority on this.

    Heck, you should considering yourself lucky ;) people actually read YOUR journal... ok, so mine usually isnt particularly interesting, but still.

    Either way, best of luck with it.

  • ...because I wanted to blog more about politics and goofy stuff than I felt made sense in Slashdot. And an RSS feed is a very good thing to have, especially if you're too busy to post every day. It pings your friends who have newsreaders when you do post--that way they don't get sick of clicking into your blog and finding nothing.

core error - bus dumped
