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Journal metlin's Journal: Morons on HOV Lanes and Kill Bill 2 3

So, I went and saw Kill Bill 2 - it was quite cool. Not as gory or violent as the previous one, and they were fewer action sequences too.

But it was quite a cool movie, and I thought it was well done in the typical Tarantino style.

Now, one thing that bugged me on the way and back were stupid drivers who were driving alone, but went in the HOV lane. Now, if you are caught in the HOV lane, you are fined heavily. But how many do get caught, really?

The damn HOV lane was crowded, and was full of morons who were driving alone. And when you look at them, they have this really stupid grin on their faces that tempted me to go out there and punch the shit out of them.

And oh, come end of the month and you will find the traffic reducing drastically on the HOV lane, because the cops tend to be a little more active.

Am sure the cops are quite aware of the fact that a lot of people do this, and yet why is nothing done? Hey, why even bother having a HOV lane when more than half the people shouldn't even be there.

Duh! Just how stupid and irritating can people really get?

Here's a new caption -

People: Testing the bounds of human stupidity!

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Morons on HOV Lanes and Kill Bill 2

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  • This reminds me of a few years ago. My area had just opened a new lane on the interstate and after a few months they declared it HOV, 2-person minimum. I used to drive my toddler to daycare, using the HOV lane since I was entitled to. But she was so small, no one could see her above the car seat. Most of the time I didn't sweat it, and suffered the dirty looks, but there were certain places the cops would hide out. As we approached them, I used to ask her to put her arms high in the air, so the cops co
  • Duh! Just how stupid and irritating can people really get?

    As a general rule of thumb: they can get worse than however bad they currently are.

"The pathology is to want control, not that you ever get it, because of course you never do." -- Gregory Bateson
