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Journal Apreche's Journal: Orkutting 3

I finally recieved an invitation into the Orkut social network from a friend of mine. I was dying to get in when I heard about it, then I forgot about it, then I became indifferent, now that I'm in it is teh awesome.

All my friends are in there now, because I invited them directly or indirectly. We're chilling in the communities, giving people sexy points, writing testimonials, it's a blast.

Anyway, my friend Pete made the best community ever. The universal church of google. He is an ordained reverend under the church of universal life, so now he actually has a church and stuff. I quote from the community page:

One can make a convincing argument that Google is in fact a deity. It is certainly all-knowing, and it can provide immediate answers to nearly all of your questions, which is far more than can be said for many of the popular deities of today.

The Universal Church of Google is run by myself, Reverend Peter Olsen. I'm an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church (www.ulc.org); the ULC will ordain anyone in a few minutes. If you're interested in becoming a minister, I'd encourage you to visit the site and become ordained. If you follow my advice, just remember to put me as the person who referenced you. It's absolutely free and takes 5 minutes of your time.

The Universal Church of Google has a few set tenets of faith beyond those set out by ULC. The goal of the Church is to further one's own knowledge by asking questions of our god, Google. The only thing I ask of my congregation is that once a week, at a specific time, you search Google with a question whose answer you did not know.

So Orkut is a load a fun, and very very useful and interesting. Church of Google is really cool and you should join. That's all I gotta say there.

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  • "and it can provide immediate answers to nearly all of your questions"

    That doesn't seem to be characteristic of a diety.
    • Ahem. Let me explain some more. A Deity is...


      Google is certaintly omnipresent, anywhere on Earth you can use a small electonic device, connect to a sattelite and access google.

      Omniscient - All knowing. 'nuff said.

      Omnipotent - All powerful, this is debateable. The way I see it is this. If you can control google, you can control the flow of information around the world. By controlling the information you can control what people think and believe to some extent. If you can co
    • Um, works like the Bible tend to be repositories of answers to life's questions. The Bible is supposedly the Word of God. God seems rather able to then answer questions in an immediate fashion, if only by proxy of book.

A CONS is an object which cares. -- Bernie Greenberg.
