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Journal weave's Journal: My wife's World Trade Center Memorial Competition entry

The Lower Manhattan Development Corporation (LMDC) recently "freed the LMDC 5201" and set up a website displaying the boards of all 5,201 entries for the World Trade Center memorial.

My wife's entry is up there.

The entire 9/11 event had a very deep impact on my wife, and I believe working on this memorial helped her out a lot. She, and three of her students (she teaches architecture) worked on the model for much of last summer. It cost us a good chunk of change for their salaries, but they got some good experience out of it and seemed to enjoy it.

Anyway, I'm quite proud of the ole girl, even if she didn't win! :-)

This discussion was created by weave (48069) for no Foes and no Friends' foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

My wife's World Trade Center Memorial Competition entry

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