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Journal MonTemplar's Journal: MusicPlasma 6

Found this site via DeviantArt (hi Leons!) of all places.

Visit, enter your favourite artist or group, and get a map of all the artists and/or groups that are related or similar to your choice. Select an artist, and get some clips of their music (sorry, looks to be Windows Media on that front). Bit sluggish, but tres cool!

This discussion was created by MonTemplar (174120) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.


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  • I put in "Scofflaws" and it was only related to "Skavoovie and the Epitomes." I don't think we ever played with them, but at least the same genre of music. So, I tired a SKA band I used to like "Ruder Than You," and they were apparently unrelated to anyone (even though the majority of their album was covers of traditional jazz rifs). I then tried the band that got me to tour Europe twice and record an album (Swing Fever), and again, I got nothing.

    Tried "traditional" bands/artists like BNL and Frank Zapp
    • put in "Scofflaws"

      you played in Scofflaws? Serious? If so, I'd like to say thanks! I've never been disappointed by any of your stuff...hell, "Ska in Hi-Fi" is a regular to this day in our day to day CD rotation

      • Yeah, I played in the group for a little while (not quite a year). It got me some find tail in my day. The sad thing was it become more like a band in name only and the original "stars" would come back when we got a recording deal. Pissed me off that I was busting my butt on tour as the "backup" or "standin" for Blah-blah and then we get a deal and they get to come out from "retirement" or $Other_band and get on the cover shot.

        Manger: "But his name/face is what sells records when people look at it, your
  • That's probably the best implementation of a music map I've seen, but I found it useful to keep AllMusicGuide [] open in a separate tab so that I could look up details about artists properly.:)
  • that thing is cool. not 100% complete, but pretty nifty. thanks for the link.
  • It doesn't have Lawnmower Deth. Oh well.

There are bugs and then there are bugs. And then there are bugs. -- Karl Lehenbauer
