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Journal JDWTopGuy's Journal: Christmas Eve 7

Well, here it is, Christmas Eve.

My parents seem to have bought me some gift in a box bigger than my little brother. I didn't ask for anything this year, so I'm curious... I did mention wanting one of those R/C Hummer H2s, but I didn't ask them to buy it for me. That reminds me, I should go downstairs and shake the box. ;)

Anyway, I have a new PC in my cluster... the aforementioned "Tiburon", another 166MHz Pentium system. I was planning to overclock it to 200MHz, but it wouldn't even boot Linux or Win95 when overclocked (too unstable).

Slackware 9.1 has an improved install system. You pop thru the package selection menus, then all the packages are installed while you go get another coke. (Previously, you went through each category and waited for those packages to install before moving on to the next category.) The only way it could be better would be if it started installing packages in the background.

Speaking of the cluster, I'm quite annoyed that Feztaa has managed to pass me in the stats. *glares* I'm running my cluster again, so we'll see if I can catch up. :P

So anyway, what are y'all doing today & tomorrow?

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Christmas Eve

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  • by Feztaa ( 633745 )
    Speaking of the cluster, I'm quite annoyed that Feztaa has managed to pass me in the stats. *glares* I'm running my cluster again, so we'll see if I can catch up. :P

    Yeah, I was going to say something along the lines of "gee, with all those computers you'd think you'd at least be able to beat me at dnet or something" :)
    • I sure would, if they were running all the time. But seeing as I can't, I'm not. Or whatever.
      • The funny thing is, my mom keeps turning her computer off. I try to leave it on, she'll sit down, check her email, then turn it off. It's very annoying, especially if I'm working a 10 hour shift and she turns it off just after I leave, preventing me from getting any work done on dnet while I'm gone :)

        Check my work unit submission history, I had two days in a row with 192, a record for me. I think 192 is pretty much "both computers on the whole day, as good as I can get." I've seen something like 392 in you
        • Heheheheh.... yes, I could stomp you. :) My friend is constantly telling me how I'm an idiot for collecting junky PCs and running dnetc. He doesn't realize how much work all those junky PCs can do together.

          My personal proxy automatically dials the internet and updates at 2 AM CST. When I need to shut down all the machines, I flush it manually, so sometimes there's more than one day's work submitted during the dnet stats period from 6 PM - 6 PM CST (they're on GMT, so midnight - midnight for them). That's w
          • The sad thing about all this dnet stuff is that we're still just climbing up through the ranks of the people who lost interest and aren't running dnet anymore (my user page lists the people around my rank, usually most of them have 0 current blocks and have some double-digit decline in their overall rank). It reminds me of that phrase, "I've forgotten more about _________ than you'll ever know", all the work I've done, and I still haven't done as much as all the dormant hordes... :)

            Though the CPU/OS distri []
            • That's true, but I've only been doing dnet for 188 days, you have for 375 (which is time from start -> now, not actual days working). If you look at the "yesterday" rank, I'm at 1,600, which is pretty darn high considering the number of active participants (9,668 as I write this).

              That said, I've risen above you once again. :D I figured out my two 166MHz machines weren't using the most efficient cores, so I reconfigured them. Of course they had to restart the units they were working on, so I actually los
              • Yeah, my 375 days is artificially high because I took a long haitus in the middle; I think my total days working is actually a bit less than yours. We could find out by doing the "view submission history" and counting the days that have units listed, but that would be a pain.

Nothing is finished until the paperwork is done.
