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Journal JDWTopGuy's Journal: Naming systems 7

Okay... I just traded an ethernet hub for a PC. Yes, I'm a pathetic geek with no life. Anyway, I need to name it, and I have yet to think of anything. So I was wondering...

How do you name your systems?

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Naming systems

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  • I use really bad puns combining technology with Adams' Family characters. My box is called Feztron (Uncle Fester + 'Tron'). That's the only one I have, though. It's hard to make up more that are good :)

    Just for pointers, though... some people use characters from fantasy novels, some people use colors of the rainbow... some people use letter from the greek alphabet. Basically, any group of things that have names that interest you, personally, make for good names of computers.
    • It's hard to make up more that are good :)

      I didn't want to say the other ones at first, but you need to hear them to know how awful they are :)

      GNUmez, Wednesdata, Cousin IT.

      *groan* :)
    • I'm thinking of naming my new box "Tiburon" (shark). Here's what I have so far: PBG4, Fiasco, Cruza, Behemoth, and Smackintosh.

      I like Gilligan's Island... I could name it Gilligan, Skipper, etc. or something, but I think I prefer Tiburon.
  • Here's an interesting thread from WHT [] with several good naming ideas.
  • I once was naming servers after prescription drugs. I had propecia, viagra, claritin, prilosec, and some others. The ironic thing was that "viagra" crashed a lot, so yeah I had trouble keeping it up.
    • Any particular reason you have befoed me?

      It would be funny to name all your machines after illegal drugs.
      [gunzour@cocaine]$ ping heroin

DEC diagnostics would run on a dead whale. -- Mel Ferentz
