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Journal JDWTopGuy's Journal: About me 8

Hi, I'm JDWTopGuy. I don't use my real name because I think that if you want privacy, you gotta do your part.

I'm a mac bigot, a linux bigot. My favorite prompt is:

export PS1='[\u@\h:\w]\$ '

My favorite linux distro is Slackware. I program in REBOL and Java.

I think that any computer not running is a computer being wasted. I don't waste my computers.

I think that Descent is the greatest computer game next to 4x4 Evolution 2.

I'm a talk radio addict. Limbaugh & Hannity, thank you very much.


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About me

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  • My favorite prompt is:

    export PS1='[\u@\h:\w]\$ '

    Wow, you're hardcore :)

    This is my prompt:

    export PS1="$C7: $C4\$?$C7 + $C13\u$C7 @ $C11\h$C7 \\\$ $C5\w$C7 ;$P "

    (the $C# variables are just ANSI escape codes for various colors that happen to be readable on a white background, and $P is the ANSI escape code for "go back to the default color"). With this prompt, it makes it easier to read the terminal; the colors make it easier to pick out the information that I want from the terminal. Also, the pr

    • What's REBOL?
      Now that's a loaded question. REBOL (pronounced rebel) is a "messaging language", which you can take to mean it:
      1. Handles text processing very well. (No regexp, but I don't care)
      2. Transparent access to resources on http or ftp servers, and the ability to access SMTP, POP3, and more.

      For example, this REBOL statement saves's homepage to kernel.html:
      write %kernel.html read

      If you're interested, go to (there's a linux version, along with versions for pret
      • 1. Handles text processing very well. (No regexp, but I don't care)

        "My pen is very good for writing. (No ink, but I don't care)"


        the free version "REBOL/Core" doesn't allow starting external processes

        So, REBOL is crippleware? No thanks, I'll stick with perl.

        who I am, what box I'm using, and where I am

        My prompt has all that, plus an extra one: "what's going on" (the return value of the last program). I used to have a small, monochromatic prompt, but I just found it impossible to read. Having a un
        • I figured you'd be a regexp fan. :P I don't really view REBOL as "crippleware" considering how powerful it can be, but the inability to start external programs is annoying at times, and they charge-a-plenty for the other versions.

          I tried out your prompt. The colors didn't work right here on my OS X box in rxvt, but that's OK. I still prefer mine though.

          I'm trying "[\$?:\u@\h:\w]\$ " right now, and I might decide to change, depending on how useful I deem the return value to be.
          • The colors didn't work right here on my OS X box in rxvt, but that's OK.

            Well, the color variables are things that I defined myself, they're not inherent to bash or anything. :P

            Here's /etc/profile.d/

            # Colors for use in $PS1

            C1="\[\033[0;30m\]" # Black
            C2="\[\033[1;30m\]" # Dark Grey (Light Black)
            C3="\[\033[0;31m\]" # Red
            C4="\[\033[1;31m\]" # Light Red
            C5="\[\033[0;32m\]" # Green
            C6="\[\033[1;32m\]" # Light Green
            C7="\[\033[0;33m\]" # Brown
            C8="\[\033[1;33m\]" # Yellow (Light Brown)

  • I'm a mac bigot, a linux bigot. My favorite prompt is: export PS1='[\u@\h:\w]\$ '

    I'm a Linux bigot, but have to use Windows at work. I would love a new dual G5 with the 23" cinema display, but I don't have $5 grand sitting around. Rent & car payments need to be paid, and my family needs to eat more than I need a G5 :)

    My prompt is:

    export PS1="\[\e[36;1m\]\u\[\e[0m\] on \[\e[37;1m\]\l \[\e[0m\]@\[\e[33;1m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\$ "

    My favorite linux distro is Slackware. I program in REBOL and Java.

    • I have SimCity 2000... it's a great game too. I also like SimCopter, although it's not as much action as Descent. I have an oldish (pentium 166Mhz w/MMX) PC that I use for old windows/DOS games.

      I think there's a line of separation; you're either a talk radio (AM) person, or a music radio (FM) person. Of course there's a wide variety of content on both bands, so it doesn't really say much about you IMHO.... unless you're a shortwave person. :P

      I'm picky about music, so I don't listen to music on the radio,

Real Programmers don't eat quiche. They eat Twinkies and Szechwan food.
