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Journal JDWTopGuy's Journal: I got a cell phone 4

I'm now the prowd owner of a locked (onto Cingular) Nokia 5165. Note that it's GSM and Cingular is switching away from GSM, so I can't use it with Cingular.

Not that I even talk on the phone.

d00d i 4/\/\ 73h 1337 h4x0rz i g07 73h c311 ph0n3z0rz d00d Edit: for more leet-speak check out this comment.

I should figure out a way to make it ring so that I can use it as an excuse to ignore people I don't want to talk to.

Any suggestions on what to do with a cell phone with no service?

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I got a cell phone

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  • Wear it on a clip, hanging off your belt, so that it's visible. It will make you look more important than you really are. :)

    (I carry my cell phone concealed in a pocket... I don't use it much, but it's a lifesaver when I need it)
    • Two problems:
      1. I don't have a clip, which means I'd have to buy one.
      2. It's quite cold around here, so I'm wearing a big coat... can't see anything clipped to a belt that way. Of course I can do that when the weather warms up.

      Maybe I could get a string and hang it around my neck or something.... nahh, too dorky.

      I will have to figure some way to show it off, otherwise it's pretty much useless. :P
  • And sell it on ebay for easy profit?

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