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Journal JDWTopGuy's Journal: I'm about to do something stupid. 4

Ok here goes: Here's a direct link to my POTS-connected 90Mhz linux system (firewall is up protecting everything but finger and http... I hope). I'm probably going to be online for a couple hours (it's 7:30 CST now).

For phpSysInfo (which takes about a minute to load and will probably crap my machine out if too many people hit it):
For my custom stats LIVE:

Please remember that if you cause it to crap out, the IP will change when it reconnects. Let me know what you think of the system. Portscan all you want, but please, no pingflooding or attempted rooting. I'm already having 2nd thoughts.

"Have fun!"

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I'm about to do something stupid.

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  • Err ... umm ... I was trying to connect to your system, and it seems as if I have accidentally rooted your system. I don't know how, but that's linux for you.

    -- Jeff
    • Huh? How'z dat? Access what? Explain! (It's a junk server, I don't care that much, but I would like to fix it if anything's wrong.) Or was that a joke?
      • LOL ... a joke, say I.
        • Heh... you fooled me. Seems to be holding up well, despite phpSysInfo being accessed by every foreign IP at least once... a couple twice.

          Do me a favor, try ssh'ing into it... it should fail. Dare I put the root password here on slashdot for all to see?


"Ada is the work of an architect, not a computer scientist." - Jean Icbiah, inventor of Ada, weenie
