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Journal Jucius Maximus's Journal: Goatse as my 'homepage' 5

I'm just writing this to explain why I have the goatse site currently listed as my homepage.

It's because I've been reading slashdot for a good number of years now. I'm approaching 3000 posts. And I find a lot of fun and humour in the community and seeing people react when presented with illogical, untrue or just plain whacky information. Perhaps I'm just becoming jaded.

So I added goatse as my homepage in order to see how people will react. It's funny when people think that this is a troll account because of it. But rest assured that I am not actually the goatse guy.

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Goatse as my 'homepage'

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  • I'm just posting this to prove that I'm not moderating in my own journal.
  • speaking of goatse, I saw a goatse pumpkin for halloween. I thought that was completely excellent. And Horrible at the same time.
  • So we must be careful about what we pretend to be.

    I don't really care if you're acting like a troll or if you're being a troll. Here on the internet, there's definitely no difference between pretending and being.

    And I've been privy to enough bullshit on the internet lately that I just am not entertained by watching people feel bad.
    • "I don't really care if you're acting like a troll or if you're being a troll. Here on the internet, there's definitely no difference between pretending and being. And I've been privy to enough bullshit on the internet lately that I just am not entertained by watching people feel bad."

      The difference being that I'm not out to get people's money or dupe them into joining my cult. Is it BS? Sure it is, but it's only on the 'shits 'n giggles' level so I see little or no harm in it.

      I'm not in it to make p

Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semicolon. -- Epigrams in Programming, ACM SIGPLAN Sept. 1982
