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Journal Xandar01's Journal: Mod XII

Mod points. You know the drill. They Expire 9/22/03.

Since I had time I decided to cruise on over to the latest Hurricane
Isabelle Poll, cast my vote for nothing (10), and moderate. I found this joke
about the Navy to be funny. Then there was the comment about subsidized insurance for coastal homes that I rated as informative. Of course I actually based that on some documentary TV show I watched several years ago, so I could be wrong. I hope not. Lastly I found dvk's informative comment which had some very good links to the "broken window" fallacy and how it is not an economic stimulus.

Then there is GMontag. Now this guy seems to be well informed most of the time. So I go looking at his journal entry from last week (yes it had been a while since I had gone through all my /. messages) I find that he has pointed out what he calls a troll. It's in an article about hybrid/electri vehicles and I know the GMontag talks about his Jeep regularly. I go take a look and at first GMontag seems right and even provides several informative links. But then Anonymous Canard posts a counter to GMontag using a link from the Natural Gas site that GMontag had used. So after much reading I believe that Anonymous Canard is correct. I gave him my last two points for an informative here and here. (It will be interesting to see if those two survive meta-mod.)

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