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Journal singularity's Journal: A new naming contest! 7

In the spring, I had a contest to name my new computer. The offer to the eventual winner was a pizza.

Well, as fans of my journal know, I am planning on getting an octopus next month. As of yet, I do not have a name for the octopus. So I am opening up to suggestions, with the same prize on the line to the winner.

The same rules apply - you can suggest as many names as you want, and I am the final judge. I am not limited to the names suggested; if none of them strike my fancy, I might just figure out one on my own and keep the pizza for myself.

Good luck!

In other aquarium-related news, I bought some fish today, along with two Mexican Turbo snails. I never thought I would be able to describe a snail as "turbo" before, but these two are certainly living up to their name. I am thinking about adding a "Type R" sticker to the back of one of them to gain a few more snail-power out of them.

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A new naming contest!

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  • is for Ocho.....how cool am I?
  • by rkz ( 667993 )
    we have a server named that, its a fail safe server. I have configured it to switch on all services provieded by other machines at the flick of an init level. It takes over as the intranet server, the Domain Controller, the insurance db server. Its an amazing feat of computery. In its honour you should name your machine after it.
    • I have an old HP-UX box that I nammed that, but I can't find a keyboard for it (DB9, I forget which gender is needed, but I know it's the opposite gender of the AT&T PC6300 and PC6300+ keyboards).
  • I vote for Hex. That way when people ask you what your octopus' name is you say "Hex" and they say "Doesn't that mean six?" and you can just say "yeah, what of it, I can name it whatever I want to".

    Actually, I'd have to throw my vote in for any name that means a number in some way, as long as it doesn't mean or contain eight.
    • Cut to the chase and name it "Number Six" after the whole Prisoner series whering he kept outsmarting his keeper but was he really the keeper in the end?

      Seems like a great name to a pet to me.

      That, or perhaps "Pixel." Especially if your Octo changes color... man, that would be the perfect name, a little thing that can change color.
  • maybe too obvious: "Cthulhu"
    "Sheena", after the squids in Stephen Baxter's Manifold:Time. Okay, yours is an octopus, not a squid. So how about "Shania".
    My wife suggests "Oliver" for no particular reason. For similar reasons I could suggest "Senator Cleghorn."
    Then there are some other names like "Linus" or "Debian". "Debian" sounds kind of cool to me.
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