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Journal jmccay's Journal: Being Employed and Not Employed at the same time!

It stinks being employed and unemployed at the same time. I got desperate for money, so I decided to try temping in manufactoring with a temp agency. I now work for the agency, but they can't send me anywhere until they hear back from my references.
      I think it's time to send another email to the President. It's time to complain about the constant inflow of high tech workers with visastaking the jobs of hard working and under appreciated Americans! I also need to point out the greedy business that are taking away jobs from hard working Americans by sending jobs to India where they can pay some $5000 a year instead of $45000! All this so they can keep their multimillion dollar paychecks, bonuses, perks, and other forms of "reward" for keeping a seat warm.
      I emailed the person who is supposed to have ported the contiki to the Coco III (512k memory). He got the Coco III for $1 at a used computer store (or something liek that). Apperently, he also targeted some form of a cross-platform compiler (motorola 6809 processor) using GNU compiler, but it doesn't work well with RS-DOS. I think he might have more luck porting it using OS-9 Level II since it is a Unix clone.
      I guess I will go upstairs and tinker with mingw and msys to configure, compile, and install the wxWindows library. I have installed both msys and mingw, but I still need to set up the variables. I have to figure out how to set the colors in the sh shell on Windows. I also need to researchand find out if I am supposed to be able to run standard DOS commands.

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Being Employed and Not Employed at the same time!

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