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Journal Archangel Michael's Journal: Moderation points 1

Today, like many days past, I have been awarded 5 mod points to give out to whomever I choose. However, today, unlike most other days, I am not modding posts on articles, but only in other peoples journals.

Why people don't mod journal entries is beyond me, and my hope and goal is to have the journal moderation system UNLINKED with the article moderation system.

Perhaps if the journal Mod system was reflected in the Friend, Foe, Fan, Freaks it would provide a much better way of recognizing who your friends and fans, foes and freaks really are, rather than some drive by random choice.

This is my chance to improve Slashdot. If you like this idea, tell the Slashcoders to get right on it.

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Moderation points

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  • What a nice idea! (Score:4, Interesting)

    by bethanie ( 675210 ) on Monday July 28, 2003 @02:24PM (#6552619) Journal
    Since I have pretty much completely ceased posting to regular articles, I always find it such a pleasant surprise when someone mods up a JE comment I've made. I don't really need the karma anymore, so it's not such a big deal, but what a nice thing for you to do! :-)


Pascal is not a high-level language. -- Steven Feiner
