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Journal Surak's Journal: I saw a guy who looked a LOT like CmdrTaco the other day 4

I saw a guy who looked a LOT like CmdrTaco last night at a local Ram's Horn restaurant. First off, I should say that I'm from Royal Oak, Michigan (but this Ram's Horn is in another Detroit suburb called Livonia), and if you read Taco's journal you'll see that he makes occasional trips to the Detroit area to go to conferences or to do stuff see Star Wars prequels at the Star Southfield (which was the only theatre in Michigan carrying the digital version of Episodes I and II), so this is *entirely* possible.

There were these three guys sitting at the table discussing Star Trek warp field theory, and the conversation drifted between that and Star Wars and religion and Web sites and whatever it was they were reading (I can't seem to recall the words on the front but it was a bright green book with yellow letters in one of the so-called "Celtic" fonts which looked vaguely like the little book that comes with a PC game, so maybe that's what it was). I'm thinking: These guys MUST be Slashdotters.

I noticed them because I was sitting at the booth doing tarot card readings, and one of the guys who was vaguely Asian or Pacific Islander looking started telling the other two what I was doing.

I tried to say something to them about the warp discussion they were having, but they seemed to be ignoring me. The Pacific Islander-looking guy looked really familiar to me for some reason. Maybe I saw him at a con once. I dunno.

Anyway, one of the guys looked a LOT like CmdrTaco. I thought he might be kinda tallish for Taco, but Taco is kinda tallish anyway isn't he? Anyhow, I compared recent pictures I found from doing a google image search and this guy had more hair than Taco, so I knew it couldn't be him.

Anyhow, if anyone knows these guys or is these guys, Hi! I'm the guy with tarot cards. :)

Still working on that op-ed piece, but I'm struggling with it now. Maybe I should just break it up or something.

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I saw a guy who looked a LOT like CmdrTaco the other day

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