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Journal Surak's Journal: People Watch: CmdrTaco 5

Check out CmdrTaco's latest journal entry. That e-mail's gotta be one of the funniest things I've read, but the last line of Taco's entry is priceless: "Anyway, I just can't stop giggling about this. The grammatical errors, the typos, the silly metaphors, the misguided understanding of Slashdot, and all of this is wrapped up with a guy who can't figure out how to log in. Up to the last clause of sentence "and all of this is wrapped up with..." um, I wonder if this sounds like anyone we know? ;)

This discussion was created by Surak (18578) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

People Watch: CmdrTaco

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  • Oh, the IRONY.

    This is why I love slashdot. They can see the splinter in your eye, but completely miss the 2x4 sticking out of their ass.
  • He brilliantly deduces that the reason for this is apparently that Slashdot is generated all it's content using a Java application. Having demonstrated his understanding of web technology, he rants about my lack therof, and then pimps himself out as an expert in these very technologies. Now to preserve his anonymity, I have not included his email address, but his domain looks to be approximately of the quality of your typical spammer: Poor aesthetics, and a hilariously retarded product. Anyway, I reply to
    • Hey Cmdr Dickhead, why didn't you just tell the poor guy that you'd changed the text encoding, since he was ultimately asking you for help with your site.

      I agree

      One of CmdrTaco's greatest flaws is his lack of professionalism and common courtesy. He's generally blunt and rude...but he can be helpful once in a while. Of course, this puts him at a level consistent with normal /. users...but that's not what you want for the head of a website viewed by hundreds of thousands of people a day.

      Slashdot re
      • Wow....superb post!

        You are dead on the mark....I can't add to that... I know what you mean with the reality versus the potential...

        BBSes, ah those were the days, ANSI/ASCII intro screens, DOORS games....


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